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#1 Parent PhD teaches - 2016-07-30
Re Apologies to China

Words have meaning. Learn them. You may also choose to cloak your communication deficit by not writing.

I wish you wouldn't try to impress, I take it you mean 'communication skills deficit' something like that? However, it seems that I have taught you that the good don't have monopolies on values.

#2 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-29
Re Apologies to China

Many Chinese have blind values. Ignoring laws/rules/regulations they do what suits them. Then, the affected ones are peaceful for they know how it works in their country. So, the ones who don't smoke are fine no matter what and so are the ones who are told to work overtime for free. Remember that ending up with a faulty product is the fault of the buyer, not seller/producer, in China. So much for the crappy Chinese value talk.

Of course China has values of one type or another.
#3 Parent amused - 2016-07-29
Re Apologies to China

if something is valued it becomes a value

It? If I value my toenail clippings they become a value? Or does your unattached pronoun suggest that 'toenail affection' thus becomes a value?
Words have meaning. Learn them. You may also choose to cloak your communication deficit by not writing.

#4 Parent PhD teaches - 2016-07-29
Re Apologies to China

More sloppy discourse. Chinese are individuals; all individuals have 'values'. China is a country; countries do not have values.
Rule of law is not a value; it is an imperfect evolving process of governmental, legislative, and criminal justice administration.
Democracy is not a value; it is a (currently non-existent) political structure.
Spirituality can be a value; many Chinese incorporate a variety of (usually non-institutional) spiritual beliefs into their lives.
Freedom is not a value. The abused concept has meaning in criminal justice and political systems, but you use it in the clueless way that U.S. citizens do, mumbling inane pablum anthems like "live free or die", while brandishing firearms and flashing gaps between teeth.
"None that I can think of"; the enormity of that void is apparent

The word value is simple enough and if something is valued it becomes a value but you don't have to like that value. All the values that you have denied being values are if course values.

#5 Parent PhD teaches - 2016-07-29
Re Apologies to China

Hello Mike
Even Nazi Germany had values. I think we are forgetting that there are good values and bad values, and we all often argue about which are bad and which are good. Of course China has values of one type or another.

#6 Parent amused - 2016-07-28
Re Apologies to China

Chinese do not have any "values", none that I can think of anyway, unless you want
to call money a "value". I think the West has plenty, freedom, democracy, a
sense of spirituality, rule of law. China has none of this.

More sloppy discourse. Chinese are individuals; all individuals have 'values'. China is a country; countries do not have values.
Rule of law is not a value; it is an imperfect evolving process of governmental, legislative, and criminal justice administration.
Democracy is not a value; it is a (currently non-existent) political structure.
Spirituality can be a value; many Chinese incorporate a variety of (usually non-institutional) spiritual beliefs into their lives.
Freedom is not a value. The abused concept has meaning in criminal justice and political systems, but you use it in the clueless way that U.S. citizens do, mumbling inane pablum anthems like "live free or die", while brandishing firearms and flashing gaps between teeth.
"None that I can think of"; the enormity of that void is apparent.

#7 Parent Micheal Milken - 2016-07-28
Re Apologies to China

Oh yes, of course.

No one in the West puts money first or says that money makes the world go round.

No one, right?

#8 Parent Mike Milken - 2016-07-28
Re Apologies to China

Chinese do not have any "values", none that I can think of anyway, unless you want to call money a "value". I think the West has plenty, freedom, democracy, a sense of spirituality, rule of law. China has none of this.

#9 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-24
Re Apologies to China

I know he goes a bit off subject in his waffly moods but he does come up with some helpful stuff, don't you think. All this emphasis on fags and beer takes away his credibility a bit, but he is intelligent really.

Just got a little man with angle grinder here and wulla! Two new flashy drain outlets.

#10 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-23
Re Apologies to China

I feel sorry for the readers. But I guess few read this board. FTs deserve your apology for the crap you post on these forums.

Yep, your guess is only that.

I'm not apologising to anyone.

As one of the readers, you'll be able to feel sorry for yourself..LOL!

#11 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-23
Re Apologies to China

I feel sorry for the readers. But I guess few read this board. FTs deserve your apology for the crap you post on these forums.

#12 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-23
Re Apologies to China

You are taking it seriously that I am mean to my wife because you want to. Otherwise I dont have you down for being that thick.

Oddbobjob was the poster telling all and sundry about his private marital issues by posting online. You are PhD teacher, not OBJ.

You have posted:

"Personally I think that you and others on the site will be remembered for your sterling work advising FTs to not get sucked in by Chinese women and your making us all aware of pink rooms as a cheaper alternative to marriage. Well done for all your help."

The 'you' you were referring to was Silverboy.

OBJ chose to ignore my earlier criticism of him posting about his private negative marital issues. He didn't comment at all! Then he posted more of the same. If it's all been a lot of crap he's posted about those issues, it's been a joke in terribly bad taste and not even befitting of a working-class manual worker from Geordieland, never mind an educated Englishman from East Anglia.

And now, you, of all people wish to put words into my mouth. You're a joker too. You have a Chinese wife too, do you? I can't recall you ever doing the same as OBJ, ie complaining in detail about your Chinese wife and her family online. Yet you advocate pink rooms!

If I think someone is posting crap that is meant to be a joke, but in bad taste, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll play thick in order to annoy him/her, in the hope that the jokes in bad taste will cease. Said jokes are composed by trolls.

IMO, your post replying to mine, read in conjunction with your reply to Silverboy's post put you in a bad light!

#13 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-07-23
Re Apologies to China

You are taking it seriously that I am mean to my wife because you want to. Otherwise I dont have you down for being that thick.

#14 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-23
Re Apologies to China

Yes works fine. That link was merely to tell you a bit about Smiley's People, which followed on from the lengthy Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy series. But forget about it,. It wasn't meant to upset you.

Sure, I can forget about it.

More importantly, I'd advise you to treat your Chinese wife well. If you're disinclined to do so, remembering that for you to remain in China on RPs that aren't work-related, you'll have to depend on her writing and signing a letter saying that she wishes the PSB to issue you a new RP to supercede an RP due to expire, will be an excellent motivator for you to treat her well!

#15 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-22
Re Apologies to China

Yes works fine. That link was merely to tell you a bit about Smiley's People, which followed on from the lengthy Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy series. But forget about it,. It wasn't meant to upset you.

#16 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-22
Re Apologies to China


Hope this is more helpful.

Got key back from brother today. Wife back. She got a dressing down.

Just 2 mins 43s, not any use to me. Does IDMB work here without a VPN? I have no VPN here. My connection is the cheapest, at 420 RMB/year. It works very well.

BTW, the 2 TV series I mentioned are ancient, but accessible on the link I provided u with. VPN ain't necessary.

I'm sorry your wife got a dressing down; I think you needn't have mentioned that in your post.. I think it would be better to keep that kind of thing private!

However, your brother gave you the key. That's good. Did he come over from Blighty along with you and your immediate family?

#17 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-22
Re Apologies to China

Yep, I'm no advocate of private education anywhere, In that respect, I'm similar in viewpoint to many Geordies, of which u are 1!

Try to watch an episode of a former TV series in Blighty online. An ESL teacher is one of the characters in the episode, entitled 'Sweet Angelica'.


I'd welcome your comments!

#18 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-22
Re Apologies to China


Hope this is more helpful.

Got key back from brother today. Wife back. She got a dressing down.

#19 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-22
Re Apologies to China

What the hell's 'Smiley's People' ? Sounds like a crock of shite to me!

Before your time maybe. It started with John Le Carre's 'Tinker Tailor soldier Spy'


I've watched that film online. I've also watched 'Special Branch' online, and 'The Professionals' online too. Your reference to 'Smiley's People' is unhelpful. When I searched for Smiley's People, on http://www.primewire.ag/index.php?search
I got nowt.

Really pissed off today, still alone in this sodding flat. The excuse is that as the kitchen is being made in home village it will be ready tomorrow. I told her to tell them to make their own way here- why should she wait to escort them? Also this auspicious kitchen moment seems to be bringing the whole family here tomorrow. I have now banned the brother from participating on any further work on this flat...mainly because when he looks at me it is as if he has a lump of shite under his nose.

You still haven't got it re the culture. Your Chinese wife will put her parents before you. If she had a Chinese husband, it'd be the same.. You are in her country, aren't you? Stop complaining!

I believe you have lost your integrity by posting your personal problems in that regard on here. In fact, looking at your posts overall, I reckon most of them are not beneficial to your fellow readers.

The photo depicts a Gibraltar ape in his rocky den. the descendant of a shipwrecked deecher, perhaps!

#20 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-07-21
Re Apologies to China

Bit outdated. If you go to London the majority of its inhabitants are. Foreigners with different sets of values. Which values will you hsve me put ahead of the Chinese?

#21 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-21
Re Apologies to China

You were right about my hot-dogs , they were disgusting. I did remember what you said so fried the onions first, so onions remained uncontaminated. I changed the oil(after heaving hot-dogs from 6th floor) and fried two eggs which were nice with the onions in crusty bread and butter.

#22 Parent amused - 2016-07-21
Re Apologies to China

Nations are sovereign legal constructs, they do not have values. Individuals have values.

In my own country of birth, the U.S.A., there are individuals with widely disparate values expressed by myriad religions/atheism, capitalism/socialism/neo-marxism/anarchy, pacifism/gun ownership, monogamy/polygamy/LBGT, public school/private schools/home schooling/kibbutz, on and on and on.

That is ONE country. Only fascist idiots like Trump can actually believe in "American values". The concept of 'national values' in fascist states is merely a ruse of misdirection perpetrated by corporate media to replace class conflict with racial ferment.

So: Western values? Before you accuse individuals of "sell(ing) out our Western values" and advising them to "hang their heads in shame", you might endeavor to communicate with precision, a core personal value of my own, sorely lacking in this forum.

#23 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-21
Re Apologies to China

Moving to an Asian country is fine, providing we don't sell out our Western values. There are
people on this board who appear to have sold out, putting the interests of China ahead
of their country of origin.

I agree with your first sentence, but I am not sure what you are referring to in the second sentence. In my opinion, it's quite easy. If you are building a house then you employ a bricklayer to build the walls. Do you care about that person or do you only care about the quality of his work?

As far as educational establishments in China are concerned, we are nothing other than sub-contractors in the same way as your brickie is.

We are NOT part of their business, we are not a valued employee, we are simply a subbie who is paid a contractual fee to fulfill our contractual obligations....end of!

At the end of our contract we either stay on to 'lay more bricks', or move on to build another few walls for someone else. It really IS that simple.

Moaning and complaining about things we cannot change is a waste of time and energy. Accept it or move on......

#24 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-21
Re Apologies to China

The so-called 'negatives' in China are often bemoaned on this site, but what of the negatives in Blighty, Australia, America, etc - or perhaps there aren't any?

It's time that some posters here started to grow-up. If you are working in China and you find there are too many negatives, then leave and go somewhere else. Then see how long it takes you to find, and complain about, the negatives in that country too. Nowhere is perfect!

Some people take great delight in moaning. That's the only way they can feel truly happy. The Chinese, like other races, love to complain as a rule.

#25 Parent Mike Milken - 2016-07-21
Re Apologies to China

Moving to an Asian country is fine, providing we don't sell out our Western values. There are people on this board who appear to have sold out, putting the interests of China ahead of their country of origin. Indeed, these individuals should hang their heads in shame! You are NOT Chinese so put the USA, UK, wherever, first, not China!

#26 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-21
Re Apologies to China

What the hell's 'Smiley's People' ? Sounds like a crock of shite to me!

Before your time maybe. It started with John Le Carre's 'Tinker Tailor soldier Spy'


Really pissed off today, still alone in this sodding flat. The excuse is that as the kitchen is being made in home village it will be ready tomorrow. I told her to tell them to make their own way here- why should she wait to escort them? Also this auspicious kitchen moment seems to be bringing the whole family here tomorrow. I have now banned the brother from participating on any further work on this flat...mainly because when he looks at me it is as if he has a lump of shite under his nose.

#27 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-21
Re Apologies to China

Come hell or water, Turnoi is welcome here with open arms and litres of cheap Chinese beer, BUT NO PINK ROOMS!

haha, poor old Turnoi will never be allowed to forget his 'stinks to heaven' If we all turn up at yours I have this notion he'll drink us under the chair, and get his own back.

#28 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-20
Re Apologies to China

However, there are westerners here who do not mind those negative aspects you mention because they feel there are positive aspects of living and teaching in China that far outweigh the negatives.

Exactly. Mind you I am thoroughly pissed off at the moment; wife pissed off to parents and feeling isolated- so much so I resorted to watch 'Smiley's People' At least you ,Turnoi and San Miguel meet up it seems, and drink beer. I bet you get rat-arsed and finish up at the pink rooms, you lucky blighters.

Very glad u agree with me about my neg. pos. comparison.

Sorry u are pee'd off. Chinese culture, parents are more important than better halves - not your fault. What the hell's 'Smiley's People' ? Sounds like a crock of shite to me!

Come hell or water, Turnoi is welcome here with open arms and litres of cheap Chinese beer, BUT NO PINK ROOMS!

The same applies to San Miguel and you.

#29 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-21
Re Apologies to China

Negatives are subjective. They are relative to each individual. If you are a non-smoker for example, then you'll hate the fact that we can smoke in restaurants. If you're a smoker, you'll relish it.

The so-called 'negatives' in China are often bemoaned on this site, but what of the negatives in Blighty, Australia, America, etc - or perhaps there aren't any?

It's time that some posters here started to grow-up. If you are working in China and you find there are too many negatives, then leave and go somewhere else. Then see how long it takes you to find, and complain about, the negatives in that country too. Nowhere is perfect!

#30 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-20
Re Apologies to China

However, there are westerners here who do not mind those negative aspects you mention because they feel there are positive aspects of living and teaching in China that far outweigh the negatives.

Exactly. Mind you I am thoroughly pissed off at the moment; wife pissed off to parents and feeling isolated- so much so I resorted to watch 'Smiley's People' At least you ,Turnoi and San Miguel meet up it seems, and drink beer. I bet you get rat-arsed and finish up at the pink rooms, you lucky blighters.

#31 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-20
Re Apologies to China

Thank you for so much you've said about the not so perfect nation which offers opportunities to westerners like you to teach whatever you teach.

I'm not suggesting for one minute that the complaints you have highlighted are baseless.

What I'm saying is that living in China wouldn't suit many westerners.

However, there are westerners here who do not mind those negative aspects you mention because they feel there are positive aspects of living and teaching in China that far outweigh the negatives.

I don't see how we can debate this. I accept the negatives. All I'm saying is there are also positives.

Yes, China has been kind to me, in fact I'd say very kind. I no longer teach on account of my age.

#32 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-20
Re Apologies to China

"Debating" truly is about paying attention to what is being said. So, what is the topic and who is the messenger? The BBC is only conveying the messge of messengers that aren't the "experts" in the field of media as they mostly are regular people with experiences about/from China. In any case, do not address me or the BBC but those people who have their observations about China!

I'm definitely NOT interested in debating with you on this forum.

When experts in a field are on the BBC, I'll pay attention to what is being said.

I know China is far from perfect, but I believe it has a lot to offer westerners who want to teach.

That's all I wish to say in reply to you on this forum.

Thank you for so much you've said about the not so perfect nation which offers opportunities to westerners like you to teach whatever you teach.
#33 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

I'm definitely NOT interested in debating with you on this forum.

When experts in a field are on the BBC, I'll pay attention to what is being said.

I know China is far from perfect, but I believe it has a lot to offer westerners who want to teach.

That's all I wish to say in reply to you on this forum.

#34 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

I am sorry for having three children with my Chinese wife. So, although I truly am "so lucky" I am unlucky when eating out.

You should be so lucky my wife's family will blow smoke in your face when you're sitting on the matong (bit of chinese there)
#35 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

Ok, I've apologized enough.

And your parting shot is to denigrate the forum.
Haven't you done enough in this area already?
#36 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

I thought you'd get it by now but noooo. And, you'll go on with the word "intelligence". The BBC's only facilitating the voices of the apologizing people in case.

See link below re: "Apologise to China"


Huh, I don't need to follow media shit to know what makes me happy! I don't follow herds. Many people are too easily led because they are lacking in intelligence and too trusting.

The Beeb is good at manipulating news when they disagree with the outcome. The BBC World Service has been privatised for quite a few years now. Of course, it will have new hidden agendas, controlled by Blighty's rich and ruling class.

Case in point, when Redknapp was found not guilty of tax fraud, the first report from the Beeb was that he was found guilty. A total fuck up! The rich Southerners in Blighty are bad losers, but the way things are going, they can't fool ordinary people so easily with their bullshit propaganda for much longer.

As I have said, if you can't have a good time in the PRC, exit asap, but PLEASE tell 2 sides of the story before you go!

And, you're good at debating the topics on forums. :)
#37 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

I don't know these old Harrovians and Etonians give the dump a taste of class, don't you think? What's wrong with our Boris I ask you?

Better comply then. Tesco is the big destroyer of bird habitat and trees, Not only in Tyne and Wear but all over the country. It is the unacceptable (Edward Heath quote?) face of capitalism. It also prefers to employ foreign labour in preference to giving British people work.

Yep, u should comply, else you will have proved yourself to be unreliable and untrustworthy.

I don't know a lot about Boris and the like. I don't wanna know much about 'em. I think they are all spin doctors. I suspect the appointment of the female leader of the Tories is a futile attempt by that party to cheat the British electorate once again. The Tories had sickened the electorate with severe austerity measures following the financial crisis brought on by the misdeeds of banks and mortgage lenders, and Cameron was dumb enough to allow the British voters to BREXIT the country. Just my take!

Capitalism has many unacceptable faces! Your first complaint re TESCO may be true. Fair enough! The foreign labor complaint you mention is probably symptomatic of many big UK employers.

Have you ever looked into Walmart's employment packages, for example? It seems said employer skins its employees. Maybe it's just as bad as TESCO, if not worse, imho. Maybe Walmart also destroys the environment.

#38 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

Better comply then. Tesco is the big destroyer of bird habitat and trees, Not only in Tyne and Wear but all over the country. It is the unacceptable (Edward Heath quote?) face of capitalism. It also prefers to employ foreign labour in preference to giving British people work.

#39 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

I don't know these old Harrovians and Etonians give the dump a taste of class, don't you think? What's wrong with our Boris I ask you?

You still haven't explained why you are not in favor of TESCO operating in China. As I said previously, you being a Geordie, would be expected to be a TESCO shopper back home.

Until you tie that loose end up, I won't bother replying to any more of your posts!

#40 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

I apologize I am not the one who "Former FT in China" needs.
Okay mate, got it.
I really don't think you "got it" lil' fella. But we shouldn't expect much from this forum, should we? :)


And your parting shot is to denigrate the forum. That is bad!

I certainly don't need China to give me a job. Nor do I need you. Yes, you are stuck-up. So-called losers in Western eyes or folks back home on crappy wages who wish to teach in China are welcome, as far as I'm concerned, provided they teach legally, and are motivated teachers.

#41 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

Of course, it will have new hidden agendas, controlled by Blighty's rich and ruling class.

I don't know these old Harrovians and Etonians give the dump a taste of class, don't you think? What's wrong with our Boris I ask you?

#42 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

See link below re: "Apologise to China"


Huh, I don't need to follow media shit to know what makes me happy! I don't follow herds. Many people are too easily led because they are lacking in intelligence and too trusting.

The Beeb is good at manipulating news when they disagree with the outcome. The BBC World Service has been privatised for quite a few years now. Of course, it will have new hidden agendas, controlled by Blighty's rich and ruling class.

Case in point, when Redknapp was found not guilty of tax fraud, the first report from the Beeb was that he was found guilty. A total fuck up! The rich Southerners in Blighty are bad losers, but the way things are going, they can't fool ordinary people so easily with their bullshit propaganda for much longer.

As I have said, if you can't have a good time in the PRC, exit asap, but PLEASE tell 2 sides of the story before you go!

#43 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

I am sorry for not replying to everyone who says "Hello" to me. I am sorry for not being "friendly" when I am facing so many personal questions with so many people. I am sorry for asking you not to smoke in my face when I am eating.

You should be so lucky my wife's family will blow smoke in your face when you're sitting on the matong (bit of chinese there)

I am thinking of banning smokers actually- not that it upsets me, only it upsets the curtains and sofa which starting giving off that stale smoke odour after a while. Never having been a smoker I don't actually mind fresh fag smoke- in fact it smells quite nice sometimes; especially pipes and cigars.

#44 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

OK, I apologize I am not the "loser" China is looking for.

Western loser on welfare or a shelf stacker on poverty pay comes to China to teach. He/she has money in his/her pocket for doing a 'walk in the park' job for 12/13 clock hours a week. He/she is not stuck-up like you, and can accept the negs you mention because in his/her eyes they are FAR outweighed by the +ves.

China doesn't need whiners like you. Best you go home or to another country to teach EFL. Thanks for sharing. You will have saved other potential wimps and whiners from coming to China where they will become VERY unhappy. Good job, my man.

I apologize I am not the one who "Former FT in China" needs.

Okay mate, got it.
I really don't think you "got it" lil' fella. But we shouldn't expect much from this forum, should we? :)
#45 Parent Hey hey... - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

See link below re: "Apologise to China"

#46 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-19
Re Apologies to China

I am sorry for not replying to everyone who says "Hello" to me. I am sorry for not being "friendly" when I am facing so many personal questions with so many people. I am sorry for asking you not to smoke in my face when I am eating.

Okay mate, got it. Negs, but no +ves. 1 side of a story!

Another story, this time 2-sided!

Western loser on welfare or a shelf stacker on poverty pay comes to China to teach. He/she has money in his/her pocket for doing a 'walk in the park' job for 12/13 clock hours a week. He/she is not stuck-up like you, and can accept the negs you mention because in his/her eyes they are FAR outweighed by the +ves.

China doesn't need whiners like you. Best you go home or to another country to teach EFL. Thanks for sharing. You will have saved other potential wimps and whiners from coming to China where they will become VERY unhappy. Good job, my man.

Sharp - 2016-07-18
Apologies to China

I am sorry for not replying to everyone who says "Hello" to me. I am sorry for not being "friendly" when I am facing so many personal questions with so many people. I am sorry for asking you not to smoke in my face when I am eating.

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