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#1 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-30
Re Lesson plans

Don't "get your lesson plans" but make them if you can teach (on your spousal visa) :)

#2 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-30
Re Lesson plans

Speaking of "star characters" and "nonsense", the old doctor in disguise posting again. That's quite a "Chinese streaming" for readers. This board hasn't changed a bit since last year.

#3 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-07-30
Re Lesson plans

Sheridan should have had Mrs. Malaprop giving grammar instruction.

Dawned on me which Sheridan you refer to. Why don't you stop all this nonsense and come out with any malapropisms you think others are guilty of? Very tiresome.

#4 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-07-30
Re Lesson plans

Sheridan should have had Mrs. Malaprop giving grammar instruction.

if those characters are American TV stars it's wasted on me; the only TV i have seen in fifteen years is very little Chinese streaming. Not that I have been in China for long(at a time,) I just refuse to cloud my mind with nonsense. Some of the 'Chinese-Migrant- worker- escorts- his- dead- friend- across- China- to- his- home- village' type things, are good. Not all silly shows.

#5 Parent amused - 2016-07-30
Re Lesson plans

the/The Engish is emphasised to talking about the particular English in question.

Sheridan should have had Mrs. Malaprop giving grammar instruction.

#6 Parent PhD teaches - 2016-07-30
Re Lesson plans

tube? The English? Odd BJ even your rustic ramblings are deteriorating.
An editing effort while sober might strengthen your credentials for lesson plan recommendations.

He was perfectly safe with that one actually, since the/The Engish is emphasised to talking about the particular English in question.

#7 Parent amused - 2016-07-29
Re Lesson plans

If you can't get u-tube you can get your lesson plans on Chinese sites. Better for your
students too as with subtitles they dont have to understand the English.

U-tube? The English? Odd BJ even your rustic ramblings are deteriorating.
An editing effort while sober might strengthen your credentials for lesson plan recommendations.

Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-29
Lesson plans


If you can't get u-tube you can get your lesson plans on Chinese sites. Better for your students too as with subtitles they dont have to understand the English.

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