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#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-08-18
Oh, for Pete's sake... - Teachers Discussion

...Get over it, Frank A.

I don't normally make a big deal of typos unless they feature in the headline of a post proclaiming that all the other posters suck. You kinda asked for it.

To the nice Frank, hey, it just isn't worth it, man. These places attract seemingly endless streams of people who simply must dance their little Superior Dance to find self-validation. It's no skin off my nose, really, and it shouldn't be any off yours, either. So let them. I'm sick and tired of the whole process, myself.

#2 Parent frank andrews - 2006-08-16
Pretty easy...... - Teachers Discussion

.....to antagonize you, isn't it? I wonder what it is that will finally set you off?

I read a post on the recruiter/review board by Phil about what your Chinese boss really thinks of you. Probably the same as what many ESL bosses all over the world think. And you know what? It's the same as what many of your fellow teachers, foreign and local alike, think also. But the kicker: once they figure out they really don't need you, you're out the door.

Or you can be like some others and just go your own way, follow your own path, by proclaiming to the world--over the internet--that there simply are not any employers worthy of what you bring to the world of ESL/TEFL/TESOL. Then set up your own organization, often illegally, usually tutoring women or undercutting their previous employer to steal away corporate contract renewals (only because they don't have the social or diplomacy skills to negotiate their own new contracts.) Of course, major componants of these organizations often include ample time on "Bar Street" or serving Tequila to new friends at their holiday bashes.

These, unfortunately, are the recognized leaders in ESL/TEFL/TESOL, the ones forming what could be a legitimate and respected profession, the ones that are creating the reputation that the rest us have pressed upon us.

And just to pander to Raoul's simple-minded sense of humor, I'm letting you play with typos.

#3 Parent Frank - 2006-08-16
MY "anger and hostility"??? - Teachers Discussion

MY "anger and hostility" you say???

Excuse me??? You've GOT to be kidding!

Frandrews, YOU show up on this forum after several months not to contribute anything worthwhile or thoughful, but only to "visit" long enough to slap the rest of us around with:

"Why don't some of you knuckleheads grow up and grow a set? Take a little responsibility for yourselves and your lives. And if China/Korea/Bedouinistan is so damn rotten, get yourselves plane tickets and go back to where ever it is you came from and see if you can get the perfect job there.

Reading the crap that comes from you pompous jerks is downright embarrassing."

Yeah, you sound like a REAL 'party person,' yourself!


#4 Parent frank andrews - 2006-08-16
As I expected..... - Teachers Discussion

......Frank's anger and hostility. You must be a real dream to have around, huh Frank?

And of course, Raoul was, in his best middle school humor and behavior, able to find a typo and make fun of it. Thanks Raoul. The rest of us just can't seem to get through the day without your help.

And whatever bubawoo was trying to say, well, the intellect of it went right past me. Easy to take potshots at Americans right now, isn't it? Whatever place you come from, and I have a pretty good idea where, you can get your crap squared away first. Then come tell the rest of us about it.

#5 Parent Peter - 2006-08-15
Frank... - Teachers Discussion

... you're a twat...

4 words... or is it 5...?

#6 Parent bubawoo - 2006-08-15
oh dear - Teachers Discussion

the probelm with americans in general is that they think they run things but are generally to thick to realise when they are having the piss taken out of them

luvin it - as micky d would say - or was that cock-a-cola

#7 Parent Frank - 2006-08-15
Guru Peter - Teachers Discussion

Gee, Guru Peter, your post CERTAINLY elevates the level of discourse around here. So erudite! So edifying! I hope one day I can offer such wisdom to the FT masses so succinctly as you have with your "what he said."

Perhaps "what he said" is an example of the new, ESL haiku?

Master, might you disturb your deep meditation on the universe to offer us FOUR words next time???

#8 Parent Frank - 2006-08-15
Great to have you back! O, non-pompous one! - Teachers Discussion

Frank Andrews, Esq.,

Thanks for your oh-so-productive and enlightening contribution to this forum!

First of all, could you at least lower yourself down long enough to tell us which country you work and reside in???

You would have us believe you have worked in some Asian country problem-free? (Even Chinese people wouldn't believe that one!) No contract problems? Scheduling problems? Employer problems? Housing problems? Shall I continue...?

I'M ALL EARS! I'd love to hear EXACTLY what the cosmos arranged for YOU?!?!?! You must have amazing karma or a huge supply of high-potency mental health drugs!

Where, pray tell, is this employment utopia that you live in? Please tell us, so that we can all line up for job applications!

#9 Parent Frank - 2006-08-15
and would you mind...? - Teachers Discussion

I receive lots of messages from recruiters, employers, and schools in China asking me to consider working for, or cooperating with them. Since you seem to be much more adept at this sort of thing than me, would you mind if I recommend you to them instead?

With your permission, Ill gladly pass along your name and email address to them, OK? After all, according to you, it is we FTs who are the real problem around here; not the agents, school managers, or administrators. Im sure after meeting and dealing with you, they would welcome the refreshing change from the rest of us the more common complaining, unreasonable, demanding, and pompous laowei!

Im more than happy to point them in your direction! It's my honor!

#10 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-08-15
Viit again soon! - Teachers Discussion

And THAT'S supposed to be an improvement, is it?

#11 Parent Peter - 2006-08-15
Ditto - Teachers Discussion

what he said...

frank andrews - 2006-08-15
I haven't viited for a while..... - Teachers Discussion

......and after reading a few threads, I quickly remembered why.

Still the same old whining and complaining, poor little old us, the Chinese/Turks/Koreans/managers/headmasters/police/recruiters are beating up on us, what shall we do? Still back-stabbing each other. Still not satisfied with what the cosmos have arranged for you.

Why don't some of you knuckleheads grow up and grow a set? Take a little responsibility for yourselves and your lives. And if China/Korea/Bedouinistan is so damn rotten, get yourselves plane tickets and go back to where ever it is you came from and see if you can get the perfect job there.

Reading the crap that comes from you pompous jerks is downright embarrassing.

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