Return to Index › Eden English School - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Guangxi Guy - 2016-09-11
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

Yes I know Nanning and I agree with the OP that Nanning has really gone downhill as a place to find ESL teaching jobs. Which sounds funny when you consider its blowing up, has massive amounts of new families, is a growing market and expected to grow to 10 million as soon as possible. The problem seems to have actually started (or gotten worse) as big 'chain' franchises suddenly poured in during the last year. They are almost all assholes who are delighting in fucking over the once naive and 'easy going' more innocent southern local Nanning people. Who've responded by.... by copying all the 'big northern city' scams, tricks and abuses, skimming, scamming and fucking over foreign teachers. Even harder now to 'compete' with the big slicksters that moved in.

So I will agree with the OP based on everything I've experienced and can gather (and i've met a lot of foreign teachers who've been in Nanning or are even still there) and yes this is being said by nearly everyone. Interestingly, I know far more who moved AWAY from Nanning in the last 2 years. Again, all confirming Nanning might be a good city to live (or not) but its NOT GOOD for teaching jobs at the moment. In my experience a lot of them are shocking arrogant now and all but requesting foreigners bow down to them for the jobs.

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-09-09
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

The name 'Eden English' should be enough to tell people that it's a training centre and not a school.
The behaviour that you described is typical of most, if not all, training centres in China.

The underlying message is simple....


#3 Parent Nanning Hand - 2016-09-09
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

To any teachers considering Eden English,

I'm a former English teacher/lecturer who has lived in Nanning for many years.

Eden English consistently has a very poor reputation for its treatment of foreign teachers. Several have been fired in breach of their contracts - no verbal or written warnings. Several have not been paid fully for their work and had money unfairly deducted from their final pay.

If you are a qualified/experienced TEFL teacher I recommend you consider a more professional school worthy of you. Eden regularly fabricates the background/experience/qualifications of its teachers so it can pay them less.

Eden also has a reputation for trying to sabotage those teachers who choose to find alternative employment. They do this by refusing to give back to foreign staff the paperwork needed to start new jobs.

The owner, Lara, and deputy, Maggie, have a very poor reputation within the ESL community here.

Good luck finding successful employment in China!

#4 Parent James T. - 2012-05-07
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

This sounds very much like a TC to me, therefore, not even gonna bovva as the aussie says. Watcha!

Wow, where do I begin. First, I was stating my perspective as a person who has been there. YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY NOT SUCH A PERSON. Second, stop being a hater. I have traveled to more countries than I can count and I have Masters of Education Degree. The school operates like any other English Cram School in China or Taiwan. In my experience, since I HAVE SPENT TIME teaching at multiple school in China and Taiwan among other places, is that they are a good school to work for.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-07
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

There are two types of classes VIP (VIP and V2P) and group class.

This sounds very much like a TC to me, therefore, not even gonna bovva as the aussie says. Watcha!

#6 Parent James T. - 2012-05-07
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

I taught at Eden English for 6 months (2011-2012) and loved every minute I was there.

THE PEOPLE: The chinese staff was very helpful and never complained about doing anything I asked. Believe me when I say I asked for a lot and they did it all. I am very thankful for all they did because I have worked for other schools where asking them to even help me order gas or water was met with grumbles or the eternal "maybe later" response. The foreign staff is a lot of fun. Bunch of Brits and Scots mostly. They are easy going and everyone stuck together. Almost all the foreigners in the city know each other through someone in that office. It seemed like to me that they try to hire a wide array of personalities, maybe this is so they can try and fit teachers and VIP student better. There were some of us that liked to go for a drink a couple nights of the week and there was another bunch of us that threw dinner parties and watched the latest movie on DVD. (China doesn't care about copyright much so you can pretty much get what every you want for less than a dollar US. It's better than Redbox.

THE CURRICULUM: There are two types of classes VIP (VIP and V2P) and group class. The curriculum is mostly structured around the books they provide. There are lesson plans and a lot of teaching materials available. This school is perfect if you are interested in perfecting your teaching style because they leave it pretty open. Some of the VIP (one-on-one) and V2P(one-on-two) classes are specifically designed to focus on the students needs and wants. This school specializes in VIP type classes. If the school didn't have something you needed and it was within reason they were more than happy to have it picked up for you. The school's students ranged form almost 3 years old to adult.

THE CITY: Nanning is much nicer than other cities I had been too. It is known as the green city and the people are very friendly. In Northern China it is much different. I think that Southern China is a much nicer place to live and Nanning allows for teachers to easily go to Hong Kong or Vietnam on the weekends or vacation.

Yes, I would go again in a heartbeat.

#7 Parent Dezlie Mikulin - 2012-04-16
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

Hi guys, just thought I would put my two cents in, as a former teacher @ Eden, I would just like to say that while the email posted was a bit amusing and unprofessional, I have nothing but great things to say about Eden. I have never had such a laid back atmosphere and great coworkers. I am currently teaching in Taiwan and miss the comradery and the great friends I made while there, if offered a position there, I would recommend you take it, and enjoy your time!

#8 Parent Tom Hilton - 2012-04-14
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

I'm not one to reply to these sort of things nor have I even read the thread. Truth is I worked at Eden School in Nanning for almost a year and really have nothing bad to say about them. I thouroughly enjoyed my experience in Nanning and at the school. They have a very laid back but professional attitude towards teaching and if you're willing to embrace the experience they were very helpful with all the tough stuff with living in China like accomodation and especially the visa and have very helpful and friendly staff at hand for all the stuff like socialising and actually fitting in to where you are. The cc's (or course consultants) are super helpful and very nice when it comes to the admin side of stuff and I really felt like part of a team who were there to help the school and students as a whole. It really is tough to say negative stuff about these guys but I really did have a great year when I was there. Not sure if this is what you do on one of these sites but if you did have any specific questions let me know... my email is tommyatat@hotmail.com.

Cheers Tom

#9 Parent Mark - 2012-04-13
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

As a teacher currently working at Eden I thought it might be useful if I gave my thoughts on the school here, so as to provide what I consider to be a fair reflection on this argument.
I originally worked at this school in 2009. I then left to teach in another country and returned to Eden a year ago. I have recently agreed to extend my contract, so this will now be my third contract at Eden.
I would like to think I have a reasonable amount of experience of people and work, as I have lived, worked and traveled in many countries. I think the fact that I have agreed to stay at Eden for another year is a fair indication that I consider this school a good school to work for. I have no ties to Nanning (I am not married, have no children etc), so it would be very easy for me to get work elsewhere if I want to.
But I have decided to stay at Eden because, unlike many schools in this industry who can be at best described at disingenuous (!), I believe Eden to be a school with integrity and honesty.
There are also other teachers here who have worked at the school for a similar length of time.
I am not saying it is perfect here, and occasionally small things can be a little frustrating, but I doubt there is any company in the China where this would not be the case. Also, I agree that the email to Claire from Eden was a little unprofessional.
Overall though, I consider Eden to be an excellent school to work for, and I would hope that Claire's comments would not discourage other teacher considering working here.

#10 Parent Magister - 2012-03-22
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

I was asking for a letter for you stating I got the job so I could apply for the proper working visa, which you took a few days to reply to, then saying you sent the letter and never did!

Eden Gardens - which visa were you supporting Claire to apply for?

Claire - which visa did Eden Gardens tell you to apply for?

If it was the 'z' visa then you'll have needed an official letter of invitation & foreign expert certificate.

#11 Parent Eden English - 2012-03-21
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

Well Claire, it didn't take you long to start posting your one sided account , so let me balance it out with the emails you sent to me in the hope that everyone can see how easy it is to attack someone's reputation while withholding your own part in the process:

March 1st : offer made.

Hi Edmund,

Thanks for the email! I'd like to officially accept the offer! The answer is no to all of the below!

As you know I'm currently awaiting a new passport. I expect to receive it in the next week and a half. What is the process re visa application? Should I just apply for one over here?

After this acceptance the normal route was followed with Claire keeping us informed of her progress. During the wait for the new passport there was never any doubts raised regards accepting the job. As with most schools we waited a cooling off period of about 5-7 days, after which we then began planning and preparing for the new arrival. Part of that is finding new apartments, agreeing contracts, advanced scheduling, training etc. After 10 days or so I am okay with arranging holiday requests from current staff based on projected arrival dates. Of course anything can go wrong in any situation, and it has in the past, but there is usually a very good reason for that.

Here is Claire's sent 18 days after accepting:

Apologies for the lack of contact over the last week but I have been sick so haven't felt up to doing much!

After a lot of thought and consideration, I've decided not to take the job at Eden English. I'd like to thank you for the interest you've shown in me.



And that was that. Nothing else. Just those few lines with no explanation.

You have read my reply, loaded with thinly veiled sarcasm I know, but I wanted a point to be made.

This is Claire's response:


Your response to me deciding not to take the job has definitely made it so much easier to walk away from you and your school! Thanks for your care you showed towards me in asking why I decided not to take the job! I certainly agree with all the bad reviews written about your school online now! I'll certainly be adding my opinion of you along with this email to some of those sites and may even contact the media over here, just to let them know what you're like! Who's sick now?!?

I was never sick about not taking the job! The only sick feelin I felt was in my gut telling me nt to take it!

If you read my emails correctly, I never told you I was applying for my visa, I was asking for a letter for you stating I got the job so I could apply for the proper working visa, which you took a few days to reply to, then saying you sent the letter and never did!

So glad I'm not going to be working with you, you actually have no idea! Thanks for also reaffirming what I always knew about myself, always go with your gut instinct!!!

So, hopefully that offers some balance. I'm not looking to score points in posting here, simply provide a fuller picture. (The invite letter was sent but I believe Claire didn't check her email settings and it is in her 'junk/spam' folder. I have confirmation of that email on file)

Of course there are some horror stories out there regards schools messing people about, but equally there are many schools and their staff and students who suffer due to people messing them about: We just don't have websites dedicated to that side of the story, do we? I don't normally have the time nor inclination to get involved in petty disputes, but this case is an exception due to the nature of the consequences felt by innocent parties.

#12 Parent Magister - 2012-03-21
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

18 days certainly is a long time and as the email revealed the school had jumped through certain bureaucratic hoops to the extent to her a letter of invitation so I can see why they would be frustrated. That being said the tone of the email that they've sent is very unprofessional.

I too have recruited for a school in China and I know it takes a lot of work to separate the wheat from the chaff (and there is a lot of chaff out there!). But the work doesn't stop once you've found the right teacher. From my own experience, i can look back at the chain of emails sent to incoming teachers each of which is between 50-70 emails long! They'll ask all manner of questions about the school, academic content, the classes they'll teach, the area, the visa process, etc., etc. Accepting a job in a country 1000s of miles away after only having a skype interview can be quite a daunting prospect particularly if the school then isn't on the ball in replying to you about any queries you have. This is what Claire seems to allude to in the first part of her post and it would probably be just a useful to know what communication there was (or wasn't) between her and the school that prompted her to make the decision not to come after all.

Finally, Claire's decision not to go because she had doubts is far better than justing closing your eyes, crossing your fingers and jumping feet first into the minefield that is ESL. Most of the problems that teachers report on this board are probably the result of just that kind of thinking or lack there of. The school itself has admitted in the email that they think Claire accepted too quickly and without giving the position due consideration. But If that were the case then the school is as much to blame for the situation as Claire is - why rely on someone you believe to be unreliable in a given situation?

#13 Parent Michael - 2012-03-20
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

18 days is a long time to leave it, isn't it? it's the longest in my memory, that's for sure.

Claire: Did you wait almost 2 1/2 weeks to decline the offer after having accepted it? As an educator in SE Asia that hires many teachers, that would be considered rude to both the school and the teacher you were helping to replace (or who was filling in while waiting for your arrival).

#14 Parent Claire - 2012-03-20
Re: Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

I know I'm late in replying here but this is more for the benefit of others looking for reviews of Eden English School in Nanning, China and are considering taking a job with them! I accepted a job with them but after the content of the contact I had with them after accepting, I begin to have a bad feeling about them and decided not to take the job! Boy, am I glad I turned them down!!! Take a look at their response to my decline of their offer!

Dear Claire

Sorry for not getting back to you yesterday but I was busy explaining to one of the staff why they will have to cancel the holiday they booked last week due to your unexpected late change of mind (once you told me you were applying for your visa I said it was ok to book as normally that's a sure sign of commitment). That makes two of you feeling sick now!

Tom did make a good point, though, and I think it's worth passing on: what if you had bought your visa and tickets (as he had, but only a small penalty for cancelling so don't worry about that) , and then we sent you an email saying we had actually thought about it and decided to withdraw our offer? I think he does have an interesting point. 18 days is a long time to leave it, isn't it? it's the longest in my memory, that's for sure.

I told him you'd probably agreed too quickly, plus you'd only given it thought and consideration after accepting, rather than doing that before, as is the norm. Everyone has their own ways, I told him, and that's what makes it interesting.

Anyway, we've cancelled the letter of invitation, so no need to worry about what to do with it, but best to rip it up in case anyone else tries to use it, as they will be in for nasty shock at the airport. I think you would have liked the flat we had found for you. I know our property staff had put a lot of effort into it and were glad to have arranged a good deal for everyone. Here's hoping the landlord takes your news better than Tom!

Right, I'd better get back to looking for a teacher again.

Hope you're feeling better now, and that you get your energy back to go and do something. Better weather soon, so best to enjoy it.

Belated Happy St Patrick's Day!

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#15 Parent Paul Ridden - 2007-03-10
Eden English - Teachers Discussion

I worked for Eden English for 6 months and found them to pay on time (which can be rare at other schools)and overall a great experience.The thing which i found most difficult teaching in China (regardless of which school)is the expectation of teachers to be entertainers.I was not prepared for this.One needs a large selection of english related games and activities to play in the classroom.I taught both in the contract schools and the classes within the english school.Please feel free to email me if you wish.Paul :)
PS..I would work for Eden English again.

#16 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-08-15
Just the job ads - Teachers Discussion *Link*

I have no experience with them but did a Google search. Saw no reviews but did see the latest ad from them over at Dave's Chez Fasciste.

They make it sound good but that salary they offer is awfully low, even for Nanning.

They also use a tactic I really hate: they justify their salary by claiming that the "average local salary" is only 800 RMB per month.

What they DON'T tell you is the lifestyle/standard of living enjoyed by a person making 800 per in Nanning...a dreary, dull gray life of boredom, routine, discomfort, rice-and-vegetables... It will take YOU many times the "average local salary" to achieve a life that won't send you screaming for the nearest airport and a ticket back home.

I also like to point out that you probably aren't coming to China just to work and exist...you're coming here for some travel, some fun, and some adventure. It takes MONEY to make these things happen- please make damn sure you're getting paid well enough to meet some of your goals...not just all of theirs.

KS - 2006-08-15
Eden English School - Teachers Discussion

Hi I am wondering if anyone out there has heard any thing about Eden English run in Nanning, China. It is owned by a lady from Singapore. Thanks.

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