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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-31
Re Lesson plans

Rather clean for a provincial capital in terms of its environmental pollution and air quality.
Your kidding us, right?

Jinan, clean? The capital of Shandong, one of the most polluted provinces in China?

The capitals of Hebei, Shanxi and Shaanxi are dirtier than Jinan in my view. Harbin and Urumqi are dirty too. Relatively speaking, Jinan ain't as polluted as quite a few of China's provincial capitals.

No doubt it was the only place San Miguel could get a job.

San Miguel has undoubtedly had other job offers recently. He has chosen the best one, I'm sure of that!

#2 Parent Michael Milken - 2016-07-30
Re Lesson plans

Rather clean for a provincial capital in terms of its environmental pollution and air quality.

Your kidding us, right?

Jinan, clean? The capital of Shandong, one of the most polluted provinces in China?

No doubt it was the only place San Miguel could get a job.

By the way, San Miguel, didn't you previously say you'd never work in China again?

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-30
Re Lesson plans

Sheridan should have had Mrs. Malaprop giving grammar instruction.
Nothing personal, our kid, but I'm with PhD on the 'the' inclusion, and his non-exclusive approach to 'values.' for example you can have bad values as well as good values. Even the not so bright Odd Bob had that one sussed. Just saying like. We can all dump a high turd, our kid.

I'm in Jinan, so if you're down my way the drinks are on me.

Cheers and Beers, SM.

Champion, my bonnie lad!

Jinan is a good place to teach, the city of springs is what the Chinese call it. Rather clean for a provincial capital in terms of its environmental pollution and air quality. No doubt your salary is rather good there, as befits your educational qualifications and teaching experience.

Cheers & beers, Former FT in China!

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