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#1 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-08-02
Re: Re Lesson plans

Just in case you are still tuned in to my wavelength and not accepting my kind offer to ignore my posts, I realise I didn't finish giving you info on the plant. Here, see the baby- actually more of a teenager and badly needs extracting and re-potting. Sadly no money to be made from potted plants grown in a flat and now you have shocked me away from teaching I must (dont really have to) find a replacement. I am thinking about giving my basement room and the spare bedroom over to symphysodon discus? I have paid up to 500 quid for a breeding pair of those blighters. Will they sell in China? And would I be able to get a business license?

Just thinking what you could do. Could you grow tobacco in Hothot and just dry/cure it on the main road like they do?Rolls off the tongue I think "20 hothot and a box of matches, please"

#2 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-08-02
Re: Re Lesson plans

Nope, just bored reading your posts. And I'm not alone in that respect.

I know you haven't worked this one out yet, brain of the year, but just don't read any of my posts!

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-01
Re: Re Lesson plans

You have put me off the idea, sounds like you are making a point of broadcasting. No, I have decided that 5 hours at most a week will not make enough difference to my finances to justify standing up in Chinese buses for hours on end first thing in the morning. What are you so angry about anyway? Sounds like you're more bored than I am.

Nope, just bored reading your posts. And I'm not alone in that respect.

I have made a anti-boredom decision, i am ordering a piano/full sized keyboard. I will pay for tuition. Wife back tomorrow, she has been to village. Told her to bring two small plant pots as I have noticed two baby Aloe Vera growing in the plants we inherited. Did that pull your heartstrings? I like houseplants and have bought two sansevieria.

There's no hope for you, bonny lad! I give up. Don't forget Turnoi's 'frog' suggestion! Another avenue for you in your ant-boredom crusade!

#4 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-08-01
Re: Re Lesson plans

What a load of bull you post!

At your age, degree or not is irrelevant. You have no chance of obtaining any kind of employment as a teacher in that coal province. The PSB have been round all the direct employers warning them of the heavy fines they'll have to pay if they're caught allowing FTs 60 or over to teach. Agents in that province have also been briefed.

My suggestion is that you ask the PSB if you can undertake unpaid voluntary work to relieve you of your boredom. Hopefully, they'll be able to help you. Then you'll be occupied doing something worthwhile, which is far better than wasting your free time continually posting bull on this board.

You have put me off the idea, sounds like you are making a point of broadcasting. No, I have decided that 5 hours at most a week will not make enough difference to my finances to justify standing up in Chinese buses for hours on end first thing in the morning. What are you so angry about anyway? Sounds like you're more bored than I am.

I have made a anti-boredom decision, i am ordering a piano/full sized keyboard. I will pay for tuition. Wife back tomorrow, she has been to village. Told her to bring two small plant pots as I have noticed two baby Aloe Vera growing in the plants we inherited. Did that pull your heartstrings? I like houseplants and have bought two sansevieria.

#5 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-01
Re: Re Lesson plans

ot just similarities. Check out the bacon, sausage, bread and butter blog where OJB posted first then PHD said he cooked it - oops, just another faux pas, lol
Faux pas should be served chilled with fresh lettuce, that I do know. As for the bacon,sausage,egg and wotnot, it sounds there were just too many cooks in the kitchen. I am sure PhD likes that grub too- comes of slumming it in a comprehensive school without recourse to further education according to amusing, and he could be right.....only...he seems to have picked up some enviable Mandarin along life's gutter. But that is possible without a degree I suppose?

What a load of bull you post!

At your age, degree or not is irrelevant. You have no chance of obtaining any kind of employment as a teacher in that coal province. The PSB have been round all the direct employers warning them of the heavy fines they'll have to pay if they're caught allowing FTs 60 or over to teach. Agents in that province have also been briefed.

My suggestion is that you ask the PSB if you can undertake unpaid voluntary work to relieve you of your boredom. Hopefully, they'll be able to help you. Then you'll be occupied doing something worthwhile, which is far better than wasting your free time continually posting bull on this board.

#6 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-08-01
Re: Re Lesson plans

but chooses to use a rustic narrative voice.




Word Origin

See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
of, relating to, or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities; rural.
simple, artless, or unsophisticated.
uncouth, rude, or boorish.
made of roughly dressed limbs or roots of trees, as garden seats.
(of stonework) having the surfaces rough or irregular and the joints sunken or beveled.
a country person.
an unsophisticated country person.
Origin of rustic

I'm flattered to be called unsophisticated, because a lot of people don't really know what sophistication truly means. It means false. Sadly it got into the hands of peasants like many English words. A bit like 'mobiles' dangle dangle things you hang on the ceiling. Now people think you're talking mad if you go into the shop and say I want a mobile (telephone) to dangle over the baby's cot. As for 'sophistication' I expect even the dictionaries have given in to the lowest denominator robbing it of its rightful meaning.

#7 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-08-01
Re: Re Lesson plans

ot just similarities. Check out the bacon, sausage, bread and butter blog where OJB posted first then PHD said he cooked it - oops, just another faux pas, lol

Faux pas should be served chilled with fresh lettuce, that I do know. As for the bacon,sausage,egg and wotnot, it sounds there were just too many cooks in the kitchen. I am sure PhD likes that grub too- comes of slumming it in a comprehensive school without recourse to further education according to amusing, and he could be right.....only...he seems to have picked up some enviable Mandarin along life's gutter. But that is possible without a degree I suppose?

#8 Parent amused - 2016-08-01
Re: Re Lesson plans

And I see strong similarities between the style of "Old Bob Job" and of "PhD

There are definitely not the same person.
Old BJ has the ability to write well, but chooses to use a rustic narrative voice. He occasionally slips and uses complex language structures.
PhD Teacher is unable to write correctly, fails to recognize literary references, and misconstrues arguments. He is likely a native language speaker without a college education.
Why Old BJ tries to emulate the writing of the FTs that 'hang out' with him on this board is puzzling. People that silently 'amuse' themselves at the expense of others usually lack social skills and have familial psychological issues.

#9 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-31
Re: Re Lesson plans

And I see strong similarities between the style of "Old Bob Job" and of "PhD

Not just similarities. Check out the bacon, sausage, bread and butter blog where OJB posted first then PHD said he cooked it - oops, just another faux pas, lol.

#10 Parent Oops... he got caught - 2016-07-31
Re: Re Lesson plans

And I see strong similarities between the style of "Old Bob Job" and of "PhD teacher"

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