Return to Index › China’s crazy ‘straddling bus
#1 Parent MikeK - 2016-08-05
Re China’s crazy ‘straddling bus

This would make a wonderful "Mobile Training School"

I imagine that the "Wangbadan School of Engrish" is hard at work planning this opportunity as I write.

#2 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-08-04
Re China’s crazy ‘straddling bus

We seem to be concentrating using technology to accomodate more and more people on the highway. I say block up the highway better know as the fallopian tube, otherwise we are all heading for wars and certain annihalation.

The Chinese used to offer a ray of hope with a sensible one-child-policy but that seems to have gone the wayof all flesh.

Take FTs, they have been bred in such large numbers now that they are barely commanding more than two and sixpence in China.

info - 2016-08-04
China’s crazy ‘straddling bus


The Hyperloop may help humanity travel great distances at remarkable speeds, but how should we sustainably get from point A to B in congested cities? An innovative public transport design might provide a solution. It’s known as the “straddling bus,” and folks, it’s finally here.

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