Return to Index › Dutch man waits 10 days in Chinese airport for online girlfriend
#1 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-08-06
Re Dutch man waits 10 days in Chinese airport for online girlfriend

Haha! Self deprecating is noble.

#2 Parent MikeK - 2016-08-05
Re Dutch man waits 10 days in Chinese airport for online girlfriend

crying into your sporan

Sporran adjustment being made...

#3 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-08-03
Re Dutch man waits 10 days in Chinese airport for online girlfriend

We can all be silly sods at some stages of our lives if we want to believe enough. It could have been worse, he could have been waiting on Hothot railway station for ten days buming fags off you and crying into your sporan!

MikeK - 2016-08-02
Dutch man waits 10 days in Chinese airport for online girlfriend


Classic quote ...."Doesn't he know that everything in China is fake?" said another.....

The solly sid wasted his time in the airport...

He could have got a good degree and a TEFL Certificate in ten days (or less) there...

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