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#1 Parent Jack Montgomery - 2016-08-12
Re the new French

I often disagree with you, but agree with you this time. It is some grubby recruiter trying to generate business. Anybody who wants to work in China from now on is a fool in my opinion!

#2 Parent amused - 2016-08-12
Re the new French

You are the same 'person' posting under the name HaHaHa.
You are a recruiter attempting to generate candidates to work illegally in China.
The 'information' you are posting is entirely specious.

#3 Parent Grumpy Teacher - 2016-08-12
Re the new French

The last part is damn true! There is an extreme shortage of Foreign Teachers in China right now, more than ever before, and my guess is it's only gonna get worse from now on. I posted my resume online a few days ago and I receive dozens and dozens of job offers over 15k or even 20k per month on a daily basis, they don't even ask for an interview and send the contract straightforward "Hi, this is {name}, we are a school in {tier-1 city}, we can pay you {amount over 15k~20k), our school will be good to you, I attached the contract, please come to work with us, hope to hear from you soon, {name}." Dozens and dozens of those, on a daily basis, from different schools located in core areas of big cities. We are more in demand now than ever before, thank you CCP for tightening the rules.

#4 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-06
Re the new French

They would never doubt the
genuineness of my degrees...

It's not a question of doubt. It's now a legal requirement to have them (at least one) notarised. Vietnam also require TESOL diploma's to be notarised/authenticated.

The cost of doing so can be as high as USD$1000 - which for some, is a month's salary in China.

It's already beginning to have a noticeable effect. Just one month away from the beginning of a new semester and schools are e-mailing contracts to FT's who have their resume posted online. Not a request for an interview, not a request for discussion, just a 'Hello, I saw your resume, please sign here!'

A friend of mine, who has been working in China for the last 4 years, asked his school to increase his salary from rmb12000 to RMB12,500 next semester. Of course, they couldn't possibly do that so he decided not to renew his contract. He signed with another school for RMB12,700 and before the ink was even dry, his old school were texting him offering him RMB14000 plus normal pay during the summer holiday. Why? Because they can't replace him - simple!

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