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#1 Parent Mr Reed - 2017-07-03
Re Yubei Middle School Chongqing

I wish I could sling some mud here about this but in all honesty I was of the impression they have rarely hired foreign teachers before me so I'm not sure how they got this reputation.

However, I could write page after page on here if I wished... for example they attempted to withhold my holiday pay but thankfully I took a photograph of my contract when I signed it.

Stear clear of these guys. I was teaching specifically this curriculum and age group for four years before teaching there so I did a sterling job for this school. I don't drink or smoke and am a very respectable role model and they repaid me with the most horrific year.

I have put my real surname on here so they can take me to court if I have said anything that isn't true.

#2 Parent Mr Reed - 2017-06-27
Re Yubei Middle School Chongqing

I wish I could sling some mud here about this but in all honesty I was of the impression they have rarely hired foreign teachers before me so I'm not sure how they got this reputation.

However, I could write page after page on here if I wished... for example they attempted to withhold my holiday pay but thankfully I took a photograph of my contract when I signed it.

Stear clear of these guys. I was teaching specifically this curriculum and age group for four years before teaching there so I did a sterling job for this school. I don't drink or smoke and am a very respectable role model and they repaid me with the most horrific year.

I have put my real surname on here so they can take me to court if I have said anything that isn't true.

#3 Parent J. Wyatt - 2017-05-19
Re Yubei Middle School Chongqing

I live in Chongqing. Researching here but that place is famous for the wrong reasons.

I was going to take a job there but some very experienced teachers on a group chat out here did very good jobs there but the Managenment were terrible... broken ageeemebts and reckon when they tried to leave the Managenment gave them terrible references in an effort to keep them.

Such a disgrace what happened to you.

#4 Parent Bradpitt - 2016-08-10
Re Yubei Middle School Chongqing

The deodorant was perhaps a poor example, but damn is it hot there

#5 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-27
Re Yubei Middle School Chongqing

yip... Had a complete hellish nightmare there.

The problem is its in the suburbs... Just to buy deodorant is a taxi ride to the nearest civilised area with a subway station and then it's a further 2 hour ride to most parts of the city.

Any foreigner living in the suburbs after 3 or 4 months will feel they are going crazy, and this school know it, so make zero effort as they are resigned to the fact they can't keep a foreigner very long.

You needn't buy deoderant. I've been in China for years and years. I never bought any. You can buy a small bottle of cheap scent from a street market for 10 rmb or so. It'll last you an academic year if you only spray it under your armpits.

Chinese people don't use deoderants because their armpits are not hairy. For some reason, they don't sweat profusely like we do. Hence deoderants are not big sellers in China.

You must learn to IMPROVISE!!

#6 Parent Bradpitt - 2016-07-27
Re Yubei Middle School Chongqing

yip... Had a complete hellish nightmare there.

The problem is its in the suburbs... Just to buy deodorant is a taxi ride to the nearest civilised area with a subway station and then it's a further 2 hour ride to most parts of the city.

Any foreigner living in the suburbs after 3 or 4 months will feel they are going crazy, and this school know it, so make zero effort as they are resigned to the fact they can't keep a foreigner very long.

Mr Reed - 2016-07-14
Yubei Middle School Chongqing

I have taught at many schools and YUBEI MIDDLE SCHOOL in Chongqing is by far the worst. .. So so bad

I literally flew into an ambush and landed in a situation that I flat refused to be in before signing the contract. Some of the highlights include:

• Refusing to assist me in finding an apartment, then pocketing my rent allowance
• Trying to force me into work when I phoned in sick (I don't drink) harassing me with text messages, insults and threats to fine me £280
• Refusing to give me assistance in visiting the dentist when I needed to and was in pain.
• Knocking on my door without prior warning. On one occasion the head teacher knocked on my door and demanded entry with two strangers, so I’ve suddenly got two strangers walking around my apartment pointing at my belongings and speaking Chinese.
• Late payment of salary. I very rarely received my salary on time – up to two weeks late.
• Any meetings with the leader were mistranslated by the head teacher making it impossible to communicate my problems to her boss.

One of the worst things was the accommodation under the boy’s dormitory. Cockroaches everywhere, unable to sleep with teenage boys above, and the internet in the school was so slow and subject to an extra firewall so I was unable to use a VPN so was unable to download TV for over 6 months!

Like I say, I’ve worked at many schools and so know the difference between the usual craziness of China, and an exceptionally poorly run school. This school went far beyond the contract not being worth the paper it’s written on (my contract included an apartment and help with any problems).

I can highlight the mentality with just one story… One time I cornered the head teacher in a blatant lie which had been used to severely negatively impact my quality of life. She then made up a story about something I had said and called me a liar for denying it!

Avoid this school.

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