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#1 Parent UMike - 2016-08-14
Re The Beginning of the End....?

I, too, felt hated in China at times. You can rise above it, though, and you should try to.

It is part of the job description since we are also cultural ambassadors, even if it is not officially stated as an official duty.

Rise above & take care of yourself.

#2 Parent MRP - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

Not the race don't be a bigot. It's the thinking and mentality.

#3 Parent MRP - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

Whereabouts? Same place all 11? It's all just talk on the internet anyway. I am happy for you, or for anyone who has found a good China life!

#4 Parent amused - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

I see that you took my advice to hide your email address.

Being a [edited] citizen, with a degree from [edited] and a recent history of teaching [edited] infants... this makes you a perfect dancing FT for a private language mill.

But recruiting other FTs to dance illegally with you in [edited] and fabricating income and visa information is despicable, even by [edited] standards.

[edited] PSB can locate you within 24 hours, [edited],[edited]. A hasty return to [edited] might be in order.

I never thought I would find it necessary to advise a [edited] to retreat.

#5 Parent amused - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

isn't it time to open our eyes as teachers and face the
fact that they hate us. They HATE us. If you can live that way, go ahead and apply newb

Us? They?
I've been in China for 11 years and have been treated with respect and consideration.

#6 Parent Jack Montgomery - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

Yes, the Chinese hate us. It is has taken posters on this board a long time to work it out. Time to give the Chinese the flick forever. A useless race of people!

#7 Parent SMGS - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

Enforcement activity this year is unprecedented.

Mr CCP, we don't take what you say seriously!
Unprecedentingly LOW, it seems! Long may this continue!

#8 Parent amused - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

Your resume, contact information and your affiliated training center employer are all available on-line with this email address.
If you are now in China, I suspect you delete all of this information immediately.
All you need is one disgruntled parent to report you to the PSB.
Deception is best served with discretion, [edited].

Every year I go to the PSB and renew it, they don't check ever whether I truly work for the sponsor.
#9 Parent MRP - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

Disorganization is one thing. But isn't it time to open our eyes as teachers and face the fact that they hate us. They HATE us. If you can live that way, go ahead and apply newb eslers.

---Someone had to say it.

#10 Parent Hahaha - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

"Oh my Mao! This guy is trying to make a decent living and does not want to be a slave to some crooky employer who will withhold his salary and breach his contract in a lawful fashion! What a horrible crime! This must be dealt with immediately!"

Chills mate, I believe that China has much more immediate issues to be dealt with. You know, things like corrupt scums embezzling millions or young people getting terrible ideas such as democracy and freedom.

What do they care about some noname laowai trying to make ends meet. The half dozen raids (in a country with hundred of thousands educational institutions) each year are just a way to remind us to stay in line and not to make any trouble. How you get your money is of little concern to them.

#11 Parent amused - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

You wrote Z visa.
I hope that your posted email address doesn't include your actual QQ # or cellphone #.
Identifying yourself as both holding a sham residency permit and teaching independently puts you and your visa sponsor at risk.

we all know the rules and we all know how well they are being
enforced, I am so afraid.

I wish you well. Enforcement activity this year is unprecedented.

#12 Parent Hahaha - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

Thank you captain CCP, we all know the rules and we all know how well they are being enforced, I am so afraid.

Every year I go to the PSB and renew it, they don't check ever whether I truly work for the sponsor.

By working visa I of course meant the resident permit, not the Z visa itself.

#13 Parent amused - 2016-08-12
Re The Beginning of the End....?

Z-visa obtained through third party and not tied to any employer.

I have plenty of group tuition,

All Z-visas are 30days in duration and registered on a national database with a specific employer.
Unless your 'groups' are organized by your "3rd Party" Z-visa employer, you are working illegally and subject to deportation or worse.

#14 Parent Hahaha - 2016-08-11
Re The Beginning of the End....?

I'm a taker for 2017, done with my previous employer who almost begged me to stay since they can't find any other FT. Now quietly sitting in my apartment, rent is paid for up to next February, Z-visa obtained through third party and not tied to any employer.

Everyday I receive dozens and dozens of job offers from agents who are eager to earn their commission, I told them I won't take any offer under 30k, they tell me there isn't only money in life, I told them you are right, there is also spare time and enjoying your hard earned money, so for 30k I want no more than 15 lessons a week.

They keep sending me shitty offers below 20k that I turn down, they almost beg me to accept it but I tell them offer and demand, many laowais are leaving so you must pay more to get me.

It doesn't really matter anyway, I have plenty of group tuition, I charge them so little 100 per hour each but 10~12 students per class, they don't have much of a choice I'm the only available Foreigner around even though this is tier-2 [edited].

I'm a rarity and you gotta pay for the privilege of having me, and since your entire business model revolves around having a White face around, not having me means less money for you, or even running out of business.

I have the upper hand here, they know it, I know it, so maybe it's time they stop pretending and pay me what I'm truly worth.

#15 Parent paul fox - 2016-08-11
Re The Beginning of the End....?


Don't blame Chinese individuals for being a product of their environment. Like many cultures and countries, there are good and bad people.

Most Chinese have never even been allowed to think for themselves, and as such they can't or don't know how to, but that doesn't make them 'bad people' per se.

I agree that to some extent China is akin to the Commodore 64, but they have (arguably) the best public transport system in the world and their creativeness is the envy of many countries. It's the social culture that's hard to deal with.

Greed, racism, and an illogical thought pattern cannot be disputed, but it's all they know!

#16 Parent Jack Montgomery - 2016-08-11
Re The Beginning of the End....?

You think that this degree business is the only reason why people are leaving? China is on the nose. China is the cultural equivalent of a Commodore 64 computer. I think many people have finally found out that there is nothing special about China or it's people, and there never was. Now Chinese are being referred to as the " yellow trash of Asia" the mainlanders anyway. Even people in other Chinese countries like Hong Kong and Taiwan despise them. Vietnam, Indonesia, there is seething hatred toward them. It is hard to have any sympathy for them as they have brought this upon themselves. Greed, racism, and a totally illogical an stupid thought pattern. There are much better places to live in the world. China is beyond second rate .I agree with you, there will be many FT's who will not return in September. China in 2017 anyone? There won't be many takers!

#17 Parent amused - 2016-08-11
Re The Beginning of the End....?

Market equilibrium takes time, significant time in a market with annual contracts.

Next month is the first impact of the new regulations. There will be fewer foreign teachers in High Schools and Universities.

Ironically, there will probably be MORE illegal FTs at private Language Schools, as they refuse to accept diminished profit and increase pressure on recruiters to generate bodies.

My opinions about this situation have already been stated: http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/forum/index.pl?read=115517

The few students that would have had a qualified committed FT that chooses not to teach in China will likely experience a minor loss in the quality of their oral English competency. The many students that would have been confused and dismayed by a substance abusing Western social refugee will be spared that ordeal.

Paul fox - 2016-08-11
The Beginning of the End....?

There's no doubt that the efforts of the Chinese government to perhaps 'clean-up' the ESL industry in China are well-meaning, but how practical are they?

I'll get no arguments from people like Amused and Turnoi when I say that FT's should be suitably qualified, but how much damage are these new rules causing?

FT's in China now have to get their degree notarised / authenticated. It comes at a cost of anything up to $1000. Of course, one cannot blame FT's for refusing to pay such an amount, only to earn that kind of money per month whilst working in China, so I guess many FT's are seeking employment elsewhere.

When I return to my school in September, we will be 2 FT's short. We were short last semester and the one before that. It means that 3 FT's are required to cover the classes of 5 FT's. OK, so we get paid extra, but that's not the point. Extra classes means extra work, extra preparation, more lessons to plan for, etc etc etc.

A mate of mine was teaching in another province last semester and he had been at the same school for about 4 years. The school asked him to sign a new contract, so he agreed to do so if they increased his salary from 12000 to 12500. They refused.

So he then agreed to go to work for another school for 12700 per month.

At the beginning of August his old school were begging him to return. They offered him 14K per month and even said they would pay him for the month of August if he signed right now!

Like my boss, these people think that FT's are easy to come by. They may have been easy to come by a while ago, and although they cannot challenge the government's new ruling, they are obviously oblivious to the effect it is already having.

Incidentally, I saw a job posting that not only required the degree to be notarised, but also the TESOL diploma. I bet that school is fighting-off applications, lol.

I wonder how many FT's have left China during the summer hols and won't be returning? It would be interesting to find out.

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