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#1 Parent Tom - 2017-03-24
Re: TutorABC

thanks for this

I have just enrolled and thought it was too good to be true. having said that if they still pay you then income is income.

#2 Parent Oana - 2017-02-04
Re TutorABC

It is not $10 / hour.

It depends on your nationality and birthplace, which is quite racist if you ask me.

As long as you are an ESL, you should be paid the same as everyone else.

But .

If you are from Romania, your base rate it 3$/hour. Extremely low, and the bonuses are never guaranteed, there are too many factors ( student's moods, their connection, if they are forgetful or not, if they are interested to give you feedback or not etc. ) implied .

If you are from Serbia, your base rate is $2/ hour.

If you are from Portugal, you get $6/hour.

If you are from United States, you get $10/hour .

The first two are considered 3rd world countries, I am afraid.

So it doesn't matter if you have a Bachelor/Master's Degree, Diplomas, TESOL/TEYFL certificates, superior studies, years of teaching experience, they will judge you based on your nationality, not on your performance.

So how does that sound ?Like racism? Yes, I think so. Like exploitation? Yes, I think so.

Even if you have outstanding results and amazing feedback as a Romanian/Serbian/European teacher on TutorAbc, you still have to work 2-3 times harder than other ESL teacher.

So I work at nights, 8-10 hours almost every day to get a $500 ( even beggars make more here ) pay per month because If I were to work regular hours I'd be paid $200-300 .

Yes, they give you opportunities but still you have to work so much harder than teachers from other countries who may or may not have results as good as yours or quality service as you can provide .

So is that fair ?

Is that racism?

Is that exploitation ?

You tell me, because my inner voice already knows these answers.

#3 Parent Dundee Man - 2017-01-23
Re: TutorABC / iTutorGroup

Do you know what an idiot is, WW?

#4 Parent The cat - 2017-01-23
Re: TutorABC / iTutorGroup

You will find tons of bad reviews about them at the link below. Tutor ABC is known for its wumao practices of posting fake reviews on websites, so you will have to read the positive reviews with a grain of salt.

#5 Parent Wu - 2017-01-23
Re: TutorABC / iTutorGroup

My son tell me "business model". TutorABC same business model like me: Hire english and not pay he he he ?

#6 Parent The cat - 2017-01-23
Re: TutorABC / iTutorGroup

The worse online company out there.
Stay away!

#7 Parent Ex - 2017-01-23
Re: TutorABC / iTutorGroup

Tutor ABC is a total piece of shit. They have another name: iTutorGroup

#8 Parent Done - 2016-11-08
Re: TutorABC

Clearly TutorABC is exploiting the Africans and Middle Eastern Countries because we get paid crap!! Bull shit company, spoilt students.

#9 Parent Lee - 2016-10-21
Re: TutorABC

I worked for Tutor ABC in the summer and really enjoyed it. I like working with non-native speakers. I admit the pay is a little on the low side, but the lesson plans are already worked out for you by the school and I did get some bonuses. I probably averaged around 10 dollars per hour. Not stellar pay, but as a fun side-job, I really didn't mind that too much. Also, my personal experience with getting paid was quite positive. I was paid promptly the 10th of each month.

#10 Parent Biljana - 2016-10-21
Re: TutorABC

They are now hiring in Serbia, where I am from. They offer us $2 per session plus the bonus and you are well aware how that works. That amount is insulting even here. And everything revolves around the student feedback, which I think is a horrible idea. Plus the IT issues you mentioned.
Just thought I'd contribute here.

#11 Parent Serb - 2016-09-15
Re: TutorABC

I worked for them and I have nothing good to say about this company. First, the base rate for us poor Serbs is just US$2 per session and they charge that session to the students just like we Serbian teachers are native English speakers because many of us have BA in English. They treat us badly, like slaves and lower kind of people. They didn't even pay to me my last salary and without any explanation! The software they use is primitive and dangerous for internet security and their IT guys have total access to our computers whenever we are online. They are fraud and exploiters of people from poor countries. Working for them I wasn't even able to earn minimal Serbian salary! Shameful!

#12 Parent Lauren - 2016-08-14
Re: TutorABC

Hi there,

Do you possibly have an alternative online tutoring company suggestion as opposed to TutorABC?

Many thanks


#13 Parent Josephine - 2009-04-19
Re: TutorABC

Hi Guys,

I just wanted everyone to know that there is now a new online space to discuss employment at TutorABC. TutorABC consultants work remotely from home offices all over the world, so we dont have any opportunity to get together and talk about our experiences, so to facilitate communication between consultants; I have started an online forum at http://alliancetutorabc.ning.com/.

I'd like it to be a place for current TutorABC employees to share their experiences, ask for and give advice, and offer constructive feedback for the company as well as a space where prospective employees can ask questions from those of us who are currently working for the company.

So come check it out at http://alliancetutorabc.ning.com/

#14 Parent Josephine - 2009-04-13
Re: TutorABC

Hey Ellen,

I have to admit that when I first started working for TutorABC, connection was a bit of a problem, but as I mentioned before, things have been steadily improving and these days I rarely have any problem at all with my connection.

It is true that, at times, the bonus structure can get frustrating. I have had a couple of sessions over the years where I have felt that I was penalized unfairly due to an unpleasant client with a bad connection. Fortunately for me, these instances have been few and far between. Typically, the bonus structure does work in my favor, as my clients are usually happy with the session and happy to leave positive feedback. While I agree that it's by no means a perfect system, in general it has a positive effect on my paycheck, and that's what matters.

As a teacher (or "Language Consultant" as we are called) with TutorABC, my job is to log-in, look over the material that has been provided for me, and then go through it with the clients. They can ask questions throughout the session and I work keep them interested and engaged while giving them all an equal opportunity to practice their speaking. Classes are typically small (no more than 6 students per session) and the clients are generally pleasant. While I have to admit that sometimes the material can be a bit sub-par, I have freedom to elaborate on it or even stray from it any way I choose

As I mentioned before, every job has its ups and downs, and by no means is TutorABC perfect, but I do find working for them pleasant and enjoyable and I recommend it to any of my friends who are looking for a way to make some money working from home.

#15 Parent Ellen - 2009-04-13
Re: TutorABC

Hi Josephine,

Im a native English speaker from Canada and I'm looking to make some extra money tutoring online. Ive been checking out my options and I think Id like to work for TutorABC, but it has lot of bad press on the internet. I have a couple of questions for you:
(1) What has been your experience with bandwidth and connection problems?
(2) How do you feel about the bonus structure?
(3) What are the classes like and what are their expectations for you as a teacher?

Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated!!

#16 Parent Josephine - 2009-04-09
Re: TutorABC

I realize that this post is a bit old, and Becky probably isn't looking for a job anymore, but for anyone else out there who is considering TutorABC, I thought I'd share my experience.

I have worked for TutorABC for about three years now and while the company is not perfect, I have been relatively happy with my experience. Working for TutorABC can definitely be frustrating, but every job has its perks and pitfalls. I enjoy the fact that I never have to spend any time prepping my lessons; I just log-in, teach the class, and move on with my day a couple dollars richer. IT support and connection issues can become a problem every now and then, but things have been steadily improving over the last year, and I have hopes that the upward trend will continue. If you like the idea of working from home on a flexible schedule, I definitely recommend giving TutorABC a chance.

#17 Parent SOL - 2008-02-03
Re: TutorABC

I worked for TutorABC for several months recently, I completed hundreds of sessions with them and so I know their system and there methods very well.

Things you should know,- firstly, the rate of pay indicated as being an average of $630 per month for 45 hours ($14 per hour) is totally false. I believe that its deliberately misleading. The most I ever averaged with them was around $10.70 per hour,- and that was by working very hard and by being able to attain some session bonus payments. At first I thought that I could get the average up to $12 or $13 per hour, but after months of performance I realized that it was completely impossible for even the very best of consultants to crack the $1.50 average session bonus on a regular basis. Their base rate is set at $10 per hour if youre a white Caucasian English as first language instructor, but otherwise youll be on a lower rate. Many of their consultants are Filipino that are on $5 to $6 per hour because TABC know that they can get away with paying that to them. I know that some Filipino instructors speak excellent and very fluent American English, and many of them are really excellent instructors,- but the fact is that generally they dont command as high fees as native American or English speakers and unfortunately this is a fact thats rorted by TutorABC.
TutorABC have a bonus system that pays up to $1 per student per session provided that the student leaves a bonus score of 10 (on a scale of 1 to 10) 75cents for a 9and 50cents for an 8. They say that with an average of 3 to 4 students per session you can earn $3 to $4 bonus,- but in reality what happens is that 30% to 40% of students fail to leave any score at all, and then others will leave a 5 or a 6 which brings your overall session average back down to a 7 for which there is zero bonus paid for that session. Even worse though is when the average score gets rounded down to a 6 for which there is a deduction of $1.50 made to the session,- and thats for each student in the session, so if you just worked your ass off teaching 4 students then youll get handsomely rewarded with a $6 debit against the session resulting in a $4 earn. Thats how they keep the payment average per session down to a minimum and the poor old consultant ends up chasing its tail trying to stay above an average of $10.50 per session for the month.
Their system of lesson delivery is quite streamlined with the use of PPT presentations for the consultant to walk the students through. Some of those lesson plans are quite good but most of them really suck and lack any pedagogical structure or uniformity and there are numerous spelling and atrocious grammatical errors as it appears that most of the material is put together by Taiwanese graduates of English. The sessions that have more than three students per session are a joke and that practice should be stopped because it means that one or more of the students feels left out or cant keep up and that just reduces the overall session experience for all and results in frustration for the teacher and low scoring bonus points from the students. I did many sessions in which there were 4, 5 and 6 students per session and they were a complete farce. Those sessions are mostly fraught with problems and end up in either zero bonus or a deduction to the consultants base rate,- it totally sucks! And added to the frustration is the fact that with several students in a session the sound quality reduces to the point where you can hardly hear the students for sound drop out and interference and video failure,- when that happens you can virtually guarantee a low score!

Their online I.T. support is a joke and it seems that whenever theres a problem then I.T. cant fix it or they mysteriously disappear of screen and then later blame the consultants bandwidth which is complete bullshit.

If thats not enough, when it comes to payment time you may end up chasing them for a week to get paid whilst they make excuses about some Paypal glitch with your account (which is always YOUR fault) and then theyll remove 20% tax which they insist is required by law under ROC taxation rules. This in fact is a complete sham as they are paying service providers located overseas in a foreign currency ($USD) and the consultant is not a resident of Taiwan (and never will be). Everyone knows that whatever income you place into a banking account of the country of you own residence is subject to taxation from that country. I suspect some kind of rort in which theyre pocketing an extra 20% margin from casual consultants that generally will come and go every month or two via the revolving door that appears to operate at TutorABC,- this explains their constant efforts to recruit new unsuspecting recruits into their fold.

So, if youre happy to work your ass off online for around $10.50 per hour (if your lucky) less 20% ripp-off tax (now your down to $8.40 per hour which youll be taxed against in your own country) then go ahead and be my guest. But my suggestion to you is that you can spend your time far more productively elsewhere and also keep your sanity and blood pressure levels in check!

#18 Parent Frank Bishop - 2008-02-03
Re: TutorABC

You can find a very nice thread here which mentions TutorABC and their various dubious practices:


Becky - 2008-01-01

Has anyone worked for TutorABC? I have been unable to find any feedback from current or past tutors.

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