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#1 Parent Yas - 2016-08-30
Re Watch out .....

Hi there,

Thanks for the below. There are many sites that offer credible Apostille services and are very reliable. I have stumbled across Apostille Service UK and then used their service. As per your experience, I received the same great service and also the cost was fairly cheaper at £57. There were some legalisational changes occuring at the time, but they were aware of that and were able to answer all of my questions. I had checked out several other sites, but really pleased I ended up with this one.

Hope that helps others and great post!


#2 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-23
Re Watch out .....

Good to be proved right. And given that Beijing is the capital, they will have no truck with fake degrees there, that would definitely fit. So that is one smug middle aged brit with a fake degree in a poorer district of Beijing who clung to it like a barnacle well and truly up shit creek without a paddle, and back to HK broke, or to his mum and dads in the UK.....China will let an FT down no matter how long they stay, how hard they work, each and every time, and that is ones with genuine degrees....so god knows what leniency those with fake docs will get, well we know the answer to that one, probably much worse than those with genuine ones, possibly even a blacklist.

#3 Parent fed_up_in_chengdu - 2016-08-23
Re Watch out .....

I am in Chengdu.

We received an almost identical message this morning having just got back to school ready for the new semester.

It is happening and I wouldn't be surprised before every province pops up on this board with similar stories. Its obviously filtering its way out from Beijing.

The hassle for me is not having a clue as to actually go about this. Even where to start. Anybody have any ideas? I am Australian. I found something on the Chinese Embassy website about it but it is so convoluted that it would take at least a month to do and we have been given until 15th September!

It beggars belief and our school still has not filled two positions so they no doubt will be expecting the rest of us to make up the classes until they do....

Fed up is an understatement.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-22
Re Watch out .....

All those fake degreed teachers must be crapping themselves. No genuine degree=no authentication?

#5 Parent Vera - 2016-08-22
Re Watch out .....

The lesson here is: do not believe what your current FAO department tells you about new visa regulations. They think they know or they don't know and they never say "I don't know". This month MANY renewing FTs are discovering the actual level of compliance to regulations that their provincial PSBs are requiring is substantively different than what they were told by their FAO. In the future, I recommend that you bring a bilingual student with you to the Immigration department and ask the officers there yourself PRIOR to renewing your visa. Of course, it is too late for that this year.

This year, it seems to me that China will throw out the baby with the bathwater!

#6 Parent Alex - 2016-08-22
Re Watch out .....

You can add Shanxi to the list too. I am in Taiyuan, this morning we received an email from our FAO.

"We have receive notice from the Foreign Experts Office that degree and criminal records authentications are now required for all new and existing foreign teachers. This also applies to those of you have resident permits due to be renewed. Please can you make sure that you have obtained the authentications and hand them into our office by 15th September at the latest. We will not be able to process any paperwork without this.

At this point we are not clear as to the process and I will be making attempts to clarify it and will call a meeting shortly once I have further information.

This new rule has come from the Headquarters and therefore cannot be avoided. Thank you for your understanding"

No mention of reimbursement and all very random. I did call the FAO but he said at this time he know no more than his email but it has to be done.

If I find out more I will post it here.

#7 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-22
Re Watch out .....

The lesson here is: do not believe what your current FAO department tells you about new visa regulations. They think they know or they don't know and they never say "I don't know".

This is especially true if the school has appointed a new foreign affairs officer. It's a job that most Chinese teachers regard as a burden that is too lowly paid. They don't do the job conscientously, as a rule. That's bad news for FTs with integrity. That quality is severely lacking among the majority of China's FAOs.

However, in the past, FTs without integrity have feasted on their shortcomings!

#8 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-22
Re Watch out .....

We have been given three weeks to get our degrees and criminal record check authenticated.

Three weeks is also time enough to get a new job in a province/autonomous region/SAR that has chosen not to follow the new guidelines.

What would be interesting to know is if there are any places in China where FTs can teach legally with fewer hoops to jump through!

#9 Parent amused - 2016-08-22
Re Watch out .....

PSB in Xi'an are insisting on authenticated documents even for RP renewal.

The lesson here is: do not believe what your current FAO department tells you about new visa regulations. They think they know or they don't know and they never say "I don't know". This month MANY renewing FTs are discovering the actual level of compliance to regulations that their provincial PSBs are requiring is substantively different than what they were told by their FAO. In the future, I recommend that you bring a bilingual student with you to the Immigration department and ask the officers there yourself PRIOR to renewing your visa. Of course, it is too late for that this year.
If you are working with a recruiter or a private school: if their lips are moving, they are lying. Since you are probably not legally employed now, it doesn't really matter about the changes in visa regulations.

#10 Parent amused - 2016-08-22
Re Watch out .....

I'm certain that several clever (I deleted "unscrupulous" as being redundant) Chinese recruiters have recognized that a 'degree apostillzation website' is a goldmine for identity theft and 'stranded in China' FT contacts.

Apostille any apostillization website before sending your personal date.

#11 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-22
Re Watch out .....

This is getting beyond stupid. A friend in Australia called the Chinese embassy in Canberra to ask them what needs to be done for degree verification. This is what he was told....
1. Take your original degree to a Notary Public.
2. They will photocopy it and sign/stamp it to say it's a genuine copy.
3. The copy must then be taken to the Department of Foreign Trade who will then authenticate the signature of the notary public.
4. Then you take it to the Chinese embassy for their stamp after they verify the signature from the DFT.

So this begs 2 immediate questions.
1. Why not just show the PSB / FEB your original degree and let them copy it?
2. How is the Notary Public going to know whether the degree they are looking at is genuine or fake in the first place?

This is nothing more than a revenue raising exercise.

#12 Parent Jenny - 2016-08-21
Re Watch out .....

This appears to be true.

I work at an international school in Ningbo. All the foreign teachers were called into a meeting yesterday afternoon and what has been said by Paul and Simon was echoed.

We have been given three weeks to get our degrees and criminal record check authenticated. Luckily our school saw the potential difficulties and has agreed to cover the costs but have said it must be done so get on with the process now so to speak. It will be required for two stages, not just the initial z visa but for the PSB for resident permits and any subsequent renewal, Two of the ten foreign teachers we have already has it, the rest including me haven't. The problem is there seems to be no clear procedure for this in any country which is causing the headaches.

I have managed to find a company in England, http://www.apostille.org.uk who very quickly replied to my emails, the cost is £66 per document. I will be sending my documents to them later today. This may help those in England who have to do this. What worries me is after this if the Chinese authorities say it is insufficient or some other reason.

We initially thought it was something to do with G20 in Hangzhou but having read the other posts it appears to being gradually rolled out elsewhere.

Whatever the intentions of this I think it is going to cause an exodus of foreign teachers as even those who are bona fide are going to get fed up with this especially where schools are not wanting to pay for it.

As Paul said, watch out and be ready. Changes are definitely in the pipeline!

#13 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-20
Re Watch out .....

An absolute fiasco and the school don't want to foot the bill

And that is where there is such an exodus to more chilled out places. The chinese are being bloody minded, and no good will come of this! NONE!

#14 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-20
Re Watch out .....

Bloody mad....and is there a concrete guarantee of the visa at the end of all that?

#15 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-20
Re Watch out .....

That's the point. It's a fiasco. Just to get your degree in ballroom dancing verified so you can teach English.

#16 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-20
Re Watch out .....

A lot of people are going to become a cropper, IMHO, some through their own childish mistakes (having no genuine degree, and using a fake degree smugly) which will now no longer be tolerated. Obviously, there will be NO University that can authenticate a fake, so therefore, no work visa. For those who have the genuine docs but are being arsed about by the Chinese, then that is just plain BS. A lot of countries complete all the visa stuff IN country, the PSB could do a background check,COULD take your fingerprints, and so on. In the UAE after being fingerprinted, any debts are then on you and you cannot leave the country. Surely some measures could be carried out in China, so that an FT would not have to return home, and if they break any laws, then they cannot leave China. By jove, there is an idea that won't enter into the skulls of the morons in Entry-Exit administration.

#17 Parent Simon - 2016-08-20
Re Watch out .....

Well I can totally confirm a similar issue in Wuhan.

I returned a few days back from the states and called the school to say I will be back in a few days. The next morning I got a frantic call from the FAO telling me that I need to get my degree, criminal record check and TESOL certificate authenticated. I was like WTF. Why did you not email me about this when I was back home?

He said that the previous afternoon he had attended a meeting at SAFEA HQ and a memo has been issued to all schools in Wuhan and Hebei that they require this and the PSB need the authentication also for a resident permit issue AND renewal.

I then had to start making calls home, I couldn't use Skype because of the urgency, this resulted in me having to load 500rmb on my phone to open international calling facilities (never needed it in 4 years of being in China) and get my Mother to find these original documents. That was easy, she has then had the run around trying to find out what to do. My school just said take them to the nearest consulate, that all well and good but I live in Utah and there isn't one anywhere nearby. She managed to locate a company who can do apostles and such, the cost of mailing these things and their costs is US$220 (so far).

An absolute fiasco and the school don't want to foot the bill. I think its time to find another job. I am really annoyed about this.

So yes, watch out!

#18 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-20
Re Watch out .....

380 yuan to send his docs home plus a further 700 Canadian dollars to get them authenticated. This is what he's paid....

#19 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-20
Re Watch out .....

Thanks FT, but the cost wasn't really the point !

So what? The info I have provided might well be useful to him and other readers who are beer drinkers. Not all of us are wine drinkers! That other poster claims to drink 24 cans of beer/day. Even though he is well-heeled, he might still wish to seize an opportunity to reduce his monthly beer bill.

#20 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-20
Re Watch out .....

EMS letter to Blighty from China takes 3 days to get there, but costs about 250 RMB!
Air mail 1 X A4 foolscap costs 7 RMB or so, but takes between 7 and 10 days!

My better half and I visited a Chinese post office the other day to purchase small air mail envelopes, the size which one would normally use to fold an A4 page of foolscap twice before inserting it rather easily into the envelope. The post office was quite small, but by no means the smallest I have ever visited in China.
Guess what, that PO was sold out of those envelopes! I cursed out loud, which led to a verbal reprimand from my better half!

Another problem worth mentioning - my wife had arranged a telegraphic transfer for 5,000 GBP from her Isle OF Man bond to her BOC account. Unbeknown to her at that time, it had been blocked at this end, and what's worse, her branch had denied all knowledge of any such proposed transfer. Subsequently, she obtained an e-mail of the transfer document from the Isle Of Man, after telephoning there. She then re-visited her BOC branch with a photocopy of that e-mail. The branch then admitted they had had knowledge of that proposed transfer since the 5th of August! She was told it had been blocked by a watchdog body that oversees all proposed foreign currency transfers from abroad to Chinese citizens. After photocopying her bond certificates, the BOC clerk presented them to the watchdog body. It was quickly unblocked thereafter.

She had also got information from the SPD Bank, where she has no account. Seemingly, there is an annual ceiling of 50,000 USD, or its equivalent value in other currencies for transfers to Chinese citizens. And the aforementioned watchdog body does exist! So much bureaucracy here!

#21 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-20
Re Watch out .....

Thanks FT, but the cost wasn't really the point !

#22 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-19
Re Watch out .....

PSB in Xi'an are insisting on authenticated documents even for RP renewal. FT just got caught out after returning from his home country. After arriving back in China his school called him and told him he needs to get his docs authenticated, or no renewal. Needless to say that contacting him whilst he was at home would have been "too easy". Now he must do everything by mail. Another FT in the same city was told he couldn't board the plane he had booked because the PSB now need passports for 2 whole weeks. He got the message from his school whilst on his way to the airport. The time between his scheduled return to China and expiration of his existing RP is 8 days, which apparently is now not enough. Be warned....they walk amongst us !

EMS letter to Blighty from China takes 3 days to get there, but costs about 250 RMB!
Air mail 1 X A4 foolscap costs 7 RMB or so, but takes between 7 and 10 days!

Paul Fox - 2016-08-19
Watch out .....

PSB in Xi'an are insisting on authenticated documents even for RP renewal. FT just got caught out after returning from his home country. After arriving back in China his school called him and told him he needs to get his docs authenticated, or no renewal. Needless to say that contacting him whilst he was at home would have been "too easy". Now he must do everything by mail. Another FT in the same city was told he couldn't board the plane he had booked because the PSB now need passports for 2 whole weeks. He got the message from his school whilst on his way to the airport. The time between his scheduled return to China and expiration of his existing RP is 8 days, which apparently is now not enough. Be warned....they walk amongst us !

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