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#1 Parent Guangxi Guy - 2016-08-27
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

The entire U.S. agricultural industry is built on illegal immigrant labor.

No. It's definitely not. This is a kind of pervasive myth. To be clear, it wasn't built on it. Its not sustained on it. In fact, here in 2016, if its doing anything its just delaying the introduction of automatic picking robots that will replace workers. It might be the only upside is they can spend a little more time perfecting the new tech.

But having said that, there isn't much comparison to be made. English Training centers are so poorly run, mismanaged, so full of corruption, skimming, scamming, impeding foreign English teachers from success that the OP is right to describe 'the entire thing' as a scam, a fraud, a sham from the ground up.

This is unlike the British Banking systems, Russian oil or Diamond mines which are essentially solid producers of real products or services which have such high standards of ethics they will be constantly fined, reported, sued and even jailed when caught doing the exceptions to the rules.

Then its a kind of 'photo negative' comparison to be made. China's training centers (and really too many schools) are systems of shams, scam constructs which, occasionally have good people, are used for good purposes and sometimes produce some useful results. Which.. and this is the fun part... the good deeds are what will be punished. A manager who does not skim cash (or even worse gives helpful bonuses or cash advances) will almost certainly get scammed themselves before being fired for incompetence.

#2 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-24
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

Thanks for the support!

It's a complete farce!

What happens when China realises it's huge f*ck up, backtracks, and leaves heaps of FTs who have needlessly paid hundreds of bucks for doc verification that's no longer required. Honestly, they couldn't organise the proverbial piss up in a brewery.

They have zero common sense and zero regard for their FTs.

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-23
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

No doubt there will be one or two Paul Foxes who are denied a residency permit for every 50 Silverboys that are expunged.

This is what U.S. military calls collateral damage.

The collateral damage that will result could have been significantly reduced if the new visa regulations had been introduced to existing FTs well in advance of their implementation date, say June 1 2016. That would have allowed FTs on contracted employment at that time loads of time to ensure that they would have met the extra requirements well in advance of this semester.

Had the Chinese government common sense, they could have shown some respect to their existing FTs while ensuring that fewer 'Paul Foxes' would be denied an RP because of not being able to meet those requirements within 21 days!

As for Paul's excellent post re double standards in FT employment in China, you have chosen to duck the issue. I have lost much respect for you, I must say! And I won't be the only one!

Sod off, you're a China defender/wumao!

#4 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-23
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

Surely this is the same as the Chinese "logic"? Collateral damage is inevitable, but I can't see it working the way you suggested.

For instance, you essentially said they'd lose 2 decent teachers for every 50 expunged deechers. To my mind, the 2 will leave rather than pay hundreds for doc verification and the 50 will just go and work for unscrupulous employees who will forge their docs for them. Surely this is likely to have a reverse effect on the desired outcome?

For me personally, it would mean degree verification from the UK and then police clearance verification from Australia. The cost would certainly not be "negligible", and to be honest, if the school didn't agree to pay then I'd be off to distant climes.

The system they have put in place may be well intended, but it's certainly ill thought out.

#5 Parent amused - 2016-08-23
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

Yes, there are a number of competent and diligent people working as FTs in China. Unfortunately, they are immersed in a slimy pool of unqualified Western flotsam that are well represented on this forum, passionately discussing the moral values of 汉族 women, the comparative quality of local beers and the next country for old men. Keeping these individuals out of classrooms in China is the precise purpose of the new regulations.

Another poster suggested that these few exceptional FTs were 'the baby in the bathwater' sacrificed during the current purge. I suggest that they are the bathwater lost as China flushes FT excrement.

No doubt there will be one or two Paul Foxes who are denied a residency permit for every 50 Silverboys that are expunged.

This is what U.S. military calls collateral damage.

#6 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-23
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

Point taken, but capitalist corruption, in the western industries you mentioned, doesn't necessarily constitute blatant disrespect for the law.

You can't get w a job in the Australian mining industry unless you have previous experience, but how can one get experience if no one will give you a job? Oh, that's right, a mate of a mate will get you in....

FTs in schools are being forced to pay hundreds of dollars to get docs verified while scummy training centre bosses are telling their deechers "Don't worry, we'll forge one for you".

Ok so it may not reflect on China as a whole, but "mud sticks".

If it wasn't for the past actions of a minority of western irresponsible muppets, then decent foreigners wouldn't find themselves in the position of being tarred with the same brush.

#7 Parent amused - 2016-08-22
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

Once again, China has shown that it doesn't know the meaning of "integrity" and
that their whole system is a sham and a joke!

Why is the illegal behavior of one specific industry proof of a nation's lack of integrity?

The entire U.S. agricultural industry is built on illegal immigrant labor. The British banking industry is an international casino operation. The French wine industry is a subsidized sham. The South African diamond industry... The Australian mining industry... The Russian oil industry... Brazil's Olympic investment...

China's dancing monkey English Language circus is certainly a travesty, but corporate crooks permeate modern capitalism. Wall Street English is child's play compared to the real Wall Street.

The purging of FTs from Chinese universities and high schools is not a random act. Limiting the Western ideological messages that reach China's students is certainly high on the agenda of China's current political elite. This process is no doubt frustrating to current FTs, but the actual educational cost to China is negligible.

#8 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-22
Re So bad, WEB of deceit!

Some recent graduates from the same TESOL academy that I graduated from have recently taken up teaching positions at a well known training centre franchise. No need to name it but it's a synonym for "internet" ( if you get my drift?)

Neither have a degree, so tonight when they contacted me on wechat, I asked the question. The reply, and I quote, "the school forge one for all their employees"

Apparently it's common knowledge. This, while others are forced to pay hundreds of dollars for authentication, is an insult to all.

Once again, China has shown that it doesn't know the meaning of "integrity" and that their whole system is a sham and a joke!

As soon as schools are either forced to pay for document verification or lose teachers, the sooner this travesty may be viewed by the government as to what it really is....bullsh*t.....

Training centre franchises who have significant clout with SAFEA might well turn out to be havens for those bogus FTs with fake credentials who can no longer scam their current employers and can't afford a one-way air ticket back home from China. Better they take their chances at such disreputable language mills than end up overstaying followed by deportation at the expense of their homelands!

Paul Fox - 2016-08-21
So bad, you can smell it.......

Some recent graduates from the same TESOL academy that I graduated from have recently taken up teaching positions at a well known training centre franchise. No need to name it but it's a synonym for "internet" ( if you get my drift?)

Neither have a degree, so tonight when they contacted me on wechat, I asked the question. The reply, and I quote, "the school forge one for all their employees"
Apparently it's common knowledge. This, while others are forced to pay hundreds of dollars for authentication, is an insult to all.

Once again, China has shown that it doesn't know the meaning of "integrity" and that their whole system is a sham and a joke!

As soon as schools are either forced to pay for document verification or lose teachers, the sooner this travesty may be viewed by the government as to what it really is....bullsh*t.....

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