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#1 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-26
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

Apparently it's some crazy Californian law. Breadwinner pays and it's non sexist. All you need to do is marry a rich Californian woman, quit working then divorce her. Cleese got screwed big time. She brought zero into their marriage, had no kids with him, then took him for 20mill. Maybe there's a certain similarity between these women and our dear little Chinese girls, haha.

#2 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-26
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

I can't fault your logic :)

Talking of self appointed experts, old Odd Bob Job seems to have gone extremely quiet of late. I wonder if his wife killed him for burning her bacon sarnie lol.

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-26
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

I think you have stated the obvious, but my post was supposed to be somewhat tongue in cheek, lol.

Nowt wrong with stating the obvious. What's obvious to you and me, needn't be to some other readers. I did say at the start of my reply that I agreed with you - I had said 'indeed', do you remember?

'Tongue in cheek is a luxury' on a board like this, not a necessity! There are self-appointed experts whom you and I won't agree with. Let's focus our efforts on showing them up, rather than nitpicking and lolling each other about inconsequential shite.

Let's get our priorities right!

#4 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-26
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

20 million dollars would buy him a lot of girlfriends in Asia:-)

#5 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-26
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

I think you have stated the obvious, but my post was supposed to be somewhat tongue in cheek, lol.

I was watching an interview with John Cleese. He divorced his third wife (Californian) and ended up having to pay her $20 million dollars. He had to go on tour to earn the money to give to her while she sat at home doing her nails.

Bet he wished he'd gone for the cheaper option now, lol.

#6 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-26
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

Depends on perspective. Guys can choose to either sleep with a different girl every night, and pay her, or enter into a long lasting relationship with the same woman. After 25 years he ends up with a bill for essentially 25 years of sex, cunningly disguised as a divorce settlement. Either way, men ALWAYS end up paying for sex!


I think variety is the spice of life. I mean to say something like, eating the same food day in day out will be very boring. Bedding the same woman, too!

However, whores only delivers sex and massage, and they cost you money. TheY won't do the housework nor wish to spend time comversing with you, nor lie by your side without sex having taken place without payment. In contrast, a good wife will deliver a full-time service to her husband, including getting a job to bolster household income, and bear your children.

Most men can't have both the kind of variety I have mentioned above and a good wife. One or the other. However, some extremely rich men are very lucky as their wives will stand by them, despite their husband's numerous affairs as he earns big, and also for the sake of their children.

#7 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-26
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

Depends on perspective. Guys can choose to either sleep with a different girl every night, and pay her, or enter into a long lasting relationship with the same woman. After 25 years he ends up with a bill for essentially 25 years of sex, cunningly disguised as a divorce settlement. Either way, men ALWAYS end up paying for sex!

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