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#1 Parent caring - 2016-08-31
Re Racism in China

“Mixed blood kid” label is truly put on children that were born in China to multicultural families. That very tag often carries varieties of derogatory connotations too. Many locals in this nation shamelessly discriminate against any “outsiders” whom they loudly and repeatedly scream at “waiguo lao”.

The Chinese education does not open up to accept foreigners accordingly for Beijing fears locals would begin thinking “outside their boxes” and create their own views which could be different than the ones of their powers. Schools in the country lead their students onto believing that dissimilar attitudes to the ones taught by local teachers and their books are wrong and not to be followed.

How the United Nations permits China to play the role in the organization is more than bothering. Having a country represent the organization and allowing it to have such voting influences as it has is simply despicable.

#2 Parent Sven Olafsen - 2016-08-27
Re Racism in China

I tried to read your post. I honestly did.

But you really need to improve your English if you expect others to take the time to understand it.

Whistleblower - 2016-08-27
Racism in China

The response to my child that “why doesn’t it look Chinese when it says it is Chinese” serves as one of the thousands of proves the society is as racist as it is. Those many examples make debates about whether the nation is racist or not for discussions about if the orange is really an orange or apple.

Most advertisers on mainland in the country are just as most of their people who call my kids “mixed blood” foreign kids despite the fact that the children were born to a Chinese mother in China. This is present in the education sector, since the evidence of not only the youngsters single out my kids but also their local teachers do.

As the Chinese schools’ teachers and their curriculum do not prevent the attitudes of locals against people from “outside”, Beijing is complacent with the xenophobic prejudice against people from around the world.

In the end, the blatant racism where locals beat you up just because you are of the different color of skin is as serious as where people point fingers at you for being an “outsider”. How contagious and dangerous attitudes are is to be seen as China only grows with its population, power and international influence.


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