Return to Index › Re So bad, you can smell it.......
#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-08-27
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

Damn, Vietnamese women sound downright crude!

I haven't laughed so much since the 'Amused' poster said that if angels wrote English, they'd write like she does. Thanks for the morning giggle!

#2 Parent Sven Olafsen - 2016-08-27
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

Vietnamese women shit all over Chinese and Thai

Damn, Vietnamese women sound downright crude!

#3 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-27
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

......But you can't make it drink?:)

Agree about viet women too.

#4 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-26
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

I don't want to sound heartless, but why are you bothering? I'll happily help anyone providing they are prepared to help themselves. By all accounts this guy is a hopeless case. Nanning is a beautiful city, but working for 5000 a month is ridiculous. You can lead a horse to water......

He's obviously got reasons for staying there so who are we to judge?

I've just spent 2 weeks in Vietnam, never been to Taiwan, but both places seem preferable to China.

And just to annoy the self-righteous here, Vietnamese women shit all over Chinese and Thai. You can take THAT to the bank !!!!

#5 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-26
Re So bad, you can smell it.......

That bloke should do 1 of 2 or 3 things imho.

Save and get to Taiwan/Vietnam, which both have a lower cost of living, Viet perhaps more so than Taiwan, and never go back to China, even if it means divorcing his younger wife. Younger women are a luxury he shall have to forego.


Apply to Saudi Arabia/gulf jobs, return to the UK, complete all his attestation, and go to saudi arabia/gulf with his chinese wife on a marriage/supporting visa and teach there. He may however have a problem there, as a lot of the jobs prefer single males there, and he may need to satisfy the authorities that he can support his wife (hard to do if poor like you said!) and that she won't be trying to find work, or working illegally there, not easy. Hard enough for a single person to complete the process. The pay however would let him save, and the living cost is next to nothing.


Go back home, declare himself homeless, and struggle back getting into the system. Even though single and white and old he will be down the list, it is still an option. Pretty sure the dole is about what he gets there, which he has to teach chinese students for.

Either way, Nanning is no long term option for him.

Good luck sb

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