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#1 Parent caring - 2016-08-31
Re Is this legal?

Sounds like "Fox News" to me. Reading all the pitiful posts that fail to show real issues of the industry is more painful than the actual advert is. I sure can go to other forums but then why would I when this is the public board representing what it really is out there. Allowing the "Fox News" to lead this representation would taint the reality, would it not?

In any case, the legal or illegal practices that affect us here go way beyond the ridiculous tactics. Even though our daily lives are influenced by so many factors, we ought to see what rocks our world most.

#2 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-30
Re It gets better.....

I'm sure not all South Africans speak bad English, as I'm also sure not all Aussies speak
good English.

Pack it in, mate. Stop showing yourself up by posting ignorant crap!

I have a white South African colleague to whom I gave the nickname 'Porky' - as in 'Pork your core'. He's fine with it and everyone in the office now refers to him, and calls him, Porky!

I guess sometimes I forget that not everyone has a sense of humour mate, at least certainly not one as warped as mine, lol.

No offence was intended - just a bit of banter!

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-29
Re It gets better.....

South Africans are too busy 'Porking their Core' and buying 'bidding for their bid' to pass an oral English test, lol.

And the Aussies accepting car park fees and the retail prices of bedding from South Africans are uneducated with thick Aussie accents and racist attitudes.

I'm sure not all South Africans speak bad English, as I'm also sure not all Aussies speak good English.

Pack it in, mate. Stop showing yourself up by posting ignorant crap!

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-08-29
Re It gets better.....

I think ROI should be approved as an English -speaking country by the Chinese govt, as well
as South Africa, so long as South Africans can pass an oral and listening test!

South Africans are too busy 'Porking their Core' and buying 'bidding for their bid' to pass an oral English test, lol.

#5 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-29
Re It gets better.....

Here's another one. Look at item 2 below, (highlighted in red).

RMB 6000 to 30,000 up to your experience and qualification.The more ESL experience
and qualification you have, the greater the offer.
Free accommodation/house allowance
Full paid holiday
Working visa
Annual flight reimbursement.
1. Native English Speakers from UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Ireland;
Qualified others also considered.

2. No degree and teaching experience required.
However holding bachelors degree or higher , and with over 2 yrs working experience
3.TEFL & TESOL or equivalent certificates holder.
Certified teachers in your country prefer;

You have overlooked item 1. It's interesting because it mentions native speakers of English from Ireland as being acceptable, along with 'qualified others' as merely worthy of consideration.

For those whose geography ain't the best, please allow me to clarify: Residents of Northern Ireland can obtain British passports. The other part of Ireland is Southern Ireland, aka the Republic of Ireland, whose citizens can obtain ROI passports, they are distinct from Brit passports. The ROI ain't considered a country whose native language is English by the Chinese govt!
In Wales, the Welsh have their own dying language, Welsh. In the ROI, the equivalent is Gaelic. In Scotland, it's another variety of Gaelic!

Now to 'qualified others' - white South Africans, or academics like Turnoi, or others, I dunno!

I think ROI should be approved as an English -speaking country by the Chinese govt, as well as South Africa, so long as South Africans can pass an oral and listening test!

#6 Parent paul fox - 2016-08-29
It gets better.....

Here's another one. Look at item 2 below, (highlighted in red).

RMB 6000 to 30,000 up to your experience and qualification.The more ESL experience
and qualification you have, the greater the offer.
Free accommodation/house allowance
Full paid holiday
Working visa
Annual flight reimbursement.
1. Native English Speakers from UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Ireland;
Qualified others also considered.
2. No degree and teaching experience required.
However holding bachelors degree or higher , and with over 2 yrs working experience
3.TEFL & TESOL or equivalent certificates holder.
Certified teachers in your country prefer;

#7 Parent paul fox - 2016-08-29
Re Is this legal?

That sounds dodgy as hell!!!! Thanks for bringing it to our attention......

Yeah, I thought as much. The text was copied from 'Serious Teachers' then pasted here.

#8 Parent amused - 2016-08-28
Re Is this legal?

is it legal ?


#9 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-28
Re Is this legal?

That sounds dodgy as hell!!!! Thanks for bringing it to our attention......

paul fox - 2016-08-28
Is this legal?

Job posting I saw today. Note the visa requirements (or lack of....), is it legal ?

Visiting ESL Teacher
China (Jiujiang, Province of Jiangxi)

12000 CNY


Fields of Expertise: ESL/EFL


This is for candidates who are currently in or outside of China and can free up two to
three months in October or November of this year to come for a holiday and teaching
experience at our school. Our school is in the beautiful city of Jiujiang in the Province of
Jiangxi right on the Changjiang River.
You will be like a visiting ambassador of the English language to our school. Just any
kind of a visa that you now have will do, even if it is only a tourist visa. No working visa is
required at this time for this short assignment. You will be paid in cash. Return air
transportation will be provided. A fully furnished one bedroom apartment with WIFI
situated right beside the school will be provided.
You will definitely enjoy this two or three months’ experience if you have a good heart, a
pair of free hands and the time availability.

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