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#1 Parent amused - 2016-08-30
Re can you read what you are writing?

If the visa/RP is to be renewed/extended, its start date should be the day after the expiry
of the old one. I think that would ESPECIALLY be applicanle to EXTENSIONS!

I am referring to residential permits attached to FECs, not spousal residential permits.

What you think is not the case; the 30 day extension begins at the application date which must be at least 7 days prior to the end date of the RP.

It is not a 30 day L visa; the visa category is blank, only the final exit date is indicated: 30 days after the application date for extension.

#2 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-30
Re can you read what you are writing?

The 'extension' requires the cancellation of the existing RP
and the process must begin at least 7 days prior to the RP's date of expiration. The '30
day extension' begins the day that the passport is handed in, so that the actual
extension is no more than 23 days. A new 'visa' is added to the passport which merely
states the date that the holder must exit China.

Yes, I have seen this done a few times already. You may as well consider it as just losing your RP and being switched over to a standard 30-day tourist visa, or as Amused said, 23 days if they cancel from the time you hand in your passport.

#3 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-30
Re can you read what you are writing?

I think one can apply for a tourist visa on the last day the existing work RP is valid
without being penalised.

I think it all depends on the local PSB. After all, when was there ever one standardised system in China that was the same in every province?

#4 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

The 'extension' requires the cancellation of the existing RP and the process must begin at least 7 days prior to the RP's date of expiration.

I think one can apply for a tourist visa on the last day the existing work RP is valid without being penalised. Must, 7 days' prior, should not and does not apply in my view. Also I recall on one occasion, my 30 day tourist visa had almost expired. I applied for an extension, I got another 10 days, it was an * visa type.

BTW, the old extension visas CLEARLY stated 'extended to......' on the ink stamp that was stamped on a page of my passport.

#5 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

Residential permits, like all visas, can be extended at the discretion of the local Immigration police. It must be done within the province that issued the RP. Thirty days is the customary extension. The 'extension' requires the cancellation of the existing RP and the process must begin at least 7 days prior to the RP's date of expiration. The '30 day extension' begins the day that the passport is handed in, so that the actual extension is no more than 23 days. A new 'visa' is added to the passport which merely states the date that the holder must exit China.

I'd have said the visa/RP/ is being renewed or replaced, rather than being extended. I've had extensions before.

If the visa/RP is to be renewed/extended, its start date should be the day after the expiry of the old one. I think that would ESPECIALLY be applicanle to EXTENSIONS!

#6 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

Residential permits, like all visas, can be extended at the discretion of the local Immigration police. It must be done within the province that issued the RP. Thirty days is the customary extension. The 'extension' requires the cancellation of the existing RP and the process must begin at least 7 days prior to the RP's date of expiration. The '30 day extension' begins the day that the passport is handed in, so that the actual extension is no more than 23 days. A new 'visa' is added to the passport which merely states the date that the holder must exit China.

However, one can SWITCH RPs to 30 day tourist visas, non-renewable/extendable.

#7 Parent amused - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

I very much doubt an extension of
an RP can be done in China, or even Hong Kong.

The system of extending RPs/tourist visas/business visas was discontinued around a decade

Residential permits, like all visas, can be extended at the discretion of the local Immigration police. It must be done within the province that issued the RP. Thirty days is the customary extension. The 'extension' requires the cancellation of the existing RP and the process must begin at least 7 days prior to the RP's date of expiration. The '30 day extension' begins the day that the passport is handed in, so that the actual extension is no more than 23 days. A new 'visa' is added to the passport which merely states the date that the holder must exit China.

#8 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

Yeap, and now the newer laws are really tightening up. All those who thought they would be ok have been screwed, and it is just crap!


There's additional information re said laws available on the link below. Check it out.


#9 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

Yeap, and now the newer laws are really tightening up. All those who thought they would be ok have been screwed, and it is just crap!

#10 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

If your RP expires, you cannot stay in China legally, and as there are no 2 year RP's, an FT is forced to leave....and given the new rules now, I very much doubt an extension of an RP can be done in China, or even Hong Kong.

The system of extending RPs/tourist visas/business visas was discontinued around a decade ago.

#11 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

Migsy must have been unlucky to land such a public school/university job.

It's quite simple. If you sign a 1 year contract (school year is not a year of course, lets say Sept-end of june) with said public school/uni, and they decide not to renew your contract, you are essentially forced to leave before your RP expires on July 1st or the end of june...it's nothing to do with if they are prepared to allow you to stay in the apartment for a month or two upon completion of your contract. If your RP expires, you cannot stay in China legally, and as there are no 2 year RP's, an FT is forced to leave....and given the new rules now, I very much doubt an extension of an RP can be done in China, or even Hong Kong.

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