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#1 Parent amused - 2016-08-29

President Trump and Icahn... SilverBoy's rants and complaints
The truth will set you free


#2 Parent Guangxi Guy - 2016-08-29

Individuals that possess 'the truth' always appear to be angry about their revelations and
anxious to convince those that have not been blessed to receive their insight.

Thank God for that. If not for them and their passion we might see more innocent people getting traumatized. What hurts people are those who know better but are too weak to take on the responsibility to process the problems or warn others.

When 'the truth' concerns a nation where you are not a citizen and no longer choose to live
it shouldn't be a significant problem.

Carl Icahn. He was another 'Silverboy' with such a case of PNTSD (though it was more Beijing) but so traumatized was Icahn that years after feeling gamed, cheated and asked to 'bow' he would still tell everyone he knew. Complained to a friend about it constantly. His friend Donald Trump made it one of his very first specific policies and issues in his Presidential campaign and named ICahn as someone who will fix problems with China. Some say if President Trump and Icahn do what intend to do things will be changed dramatically and some say it might improve China.

I've benefited from SB's rants and complaints and I have passed along some of those nuggets of knowledge to others. We all win.

The truth will set you free, Amused. If you'd ever accept it.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

I meant if you just have a one year contract, normally you have to leave before the RP expires and so on. So it is not really a 1 year RP, it could be from September to say the end of june. As you say, they don't deserve decent FT's!

#4 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

I have never heard of this before. No pay for July and August seems normal, but your apartment is still your 'home' while you are in China and working for that school/uni. Any establishment that essentially evicts their FT's during the summer vacation is one to seriously stay away from. They don't deserve us !

You come across as a mettlesome newbie and a quarrelsome know-all. I'm sure San Migs will enlighten you, along the same lines as I am doing now. Over to you, San Migs!

San Migs is basically on about Chinese employers offering 10 month teaching contracts, which MOST still do! They want us in, and then out asap once our teaching task is over, at the start of the summer holidays.

Some China old hands are clever enough to negotiate 12 month contracts, which of course will require 12 month RPs, so that they can remain In China with the option of occupying their apartments, or vacation, until they decide to move on to a new school. It's even possible to negotiate full pay during the summer vacation if you agree to accept the offer of continued employment where you are by signing up for another academic year at the start of the summer vacation! But that offer might not be forthcoming. If not, you can stay put and take your time choosing a suitable job elsewhere in the country. As in fact, you can also do if you want to move on to another school in China, without having to exit the country.

#5 Parent paul fox - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

If they did FT's would be able to stay
in a school/uni provided apartment over the summer (with no bills) and full pay. This is
how you attract and retain "foreign talent". Not by making them homeless and
leaving them penniless over the summer months.

I have never heard of this before. No pay for July and August seems normal, but your apartment is still your 'home' while you are in China and working for that school/uni. Any establishment that essentially evicts their FT's during the summer vacation is one to seriously stay away from. They don't deserve us !

#6 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-29
Re can you read what you are writing?

I did not say an entire nation of Chinese are worthy of disdain. But they do not understand loyalty in the context of the education sector. If they did FT's would be able to stay in a school/uni provided apartment over the summer (with no bills) and full pay. This is how you attract and retain "foreign talent". Not by making them homeless and leaving them penniless over the summer months.

#7 Parent amused - 2016-08-29
can you read what you are writing?

I don't feel we should be too quick to judge him

try and explain the word "loyal" to your average mainland Chinese, they
won't understand it,

Apparently one white clinically depressed misogynist substance abuser is worthy of compassion, but an entire nation of Chinese are worthy of disdain.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2016-08-28

Possibly he was, but I don't feel we should be too quick to judge him just because of that. He has opened up about depression in the past on here in response to a post I posted about depression to another user. He does not have to like China, just because he used to be there....what they are doing to loyal FT's now is disgraceful. Open a dictionary, and try and explain the word "loyal" to your average mainland Chinese, they won't understand it, or pretend not to, laugh, smile a fake smile...

#9 Parent Sven Olafsen - 2016-08-28

Yes, the SB was deeply traumatized somehow by China.

That's the only thing that explains his continuing diatribes against the place.

When I leave a bad situation or job, I quickly forget about it, thankful I'm no longer there.

amused - 2016-08-28

"We all know the truth about China." - Silverboy

Individuals that possess 'the truth' always appear to be angry about their revelations and anxious to convince those that have not been blessed to receive their insight.

When 'the truth' concerns a nation where you are not a citizen and no longer choose to live it shouldn't be a significant problem.

Post-Nanning traumatic stress disorder?

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