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#1 Parent MikeK - 2016-09-01
Re Is this legal?


A real character and a very very brave man...

#2 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-31
Re Is this legal?

No, the days of the queens english are long gone,

Ah...the days when 'gay' meant 'happy' and 'wicked' meant 'evil'........
The days when 'nincompoop' was a swear word and your father wouldn't have used the 'F-word' if aliens had landed on the roof of your house.

In 1528 Britain, a monk wrote in his diary, and I quote, 'Fucking Abbot, D--- him!'
It seems that he was angry enough to use the 'F-word', yet still could not bring himself to write the word 'Damn'.

It's called 'evolution', mate. All languages change and evolve. Your grandfather should stop his grave-spinning and just roll another 'doby'.

#3 Parent Eddie Trebus - 2016-08-30
Re Is this legal?

I don't know about all this scotsman and welsh stuff, but when my grandfather was fighting for the free polish forces in WW2, he would be turning in his grave if he could see what has happened to his adopted homeland nowadays. The english had he learned, well, it's a language that no longer exists with things like "pokemon" being introduced, and cappucino, and so on. No, the days of the queens english are long gone, long gone he would say, over a handmade roll up from his beloved golden virginia tobacco and a cup of tea...

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