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#1 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-08-31
Re China-Core Socialist Values

There truly are plenty of equations, although they aren’t alone. The totalitarian system
where other political parties are eliminated or the economic stability where one party
gets the credit are some standing out examples. Another one may be the destruction of
churches and prosecution of believers in both of those nations. Most importantly, the
territorial demands, pacts with Russia (Hitler made a pact with Joseph Stalin), racism,
the modernization of armies and the characteristics of economies offer connections in
between the two nations suggested. The primary industry strict control of raw materials
and the steel industry as well as the manufacturing of secondary industry are greatly
identifiable. Yet, the huge comparison is flawed for the poor quality and efficiency of
Chinese production against the Nazi German one and unsound for the blatantly hostile
Nazis versus friendly general Chinese public. Chinese business people, their managers
and workers are primitive and lazy which the Germans of 1930s were definitely not, and
the regular mainlanders more likely aren’t going to punch you in the face for looking
at their girlfriends which the Germans in Reich then would have followed. All in all,
Germans have been punctual perfectionists that are well educated and supported by their
strong field of science while Chinese of the modern era have only been the opposite. To
single out a country in the world in this comparison to the Nazi Germany, people ought
to look at Japan that has more Nazi similarities than China.

......and you refer to ME as 'Fox News' !! ??

#2 Parent caring - 2016-08-31
Re China-Core Socialist Values

“Mixed blood kid” label is truly put on children that were born in China to multicultural families. That very tag often carries varieties of derogatory connotations too. Many locals in this nation shamelessly discriminate against any “outsiders” whom they loudly and repeatedly scream at “waiguo lao”.

The Chinese education does not open up to accept foreigners accordingly for Beijing fears locals would begin thinking “outside their boxes” and create their own views which could be different than the ones of their powers. Schools in the country lead their students onto believing that dissimilar attitudes to the ones taught by local teachers and their books are wrong and not to be followed.

How the United Nations permits China to play the role in the organization is more than bothering. Having a country represent the organization and allowing it to have such voting influences as it has is simply despicable.

#3 Parent caring - 2016-08-31
Re China-Core Socialist Values

There truly are plenty of equations, although they aren’t alone. The totalitarian system where other political parties are eliminated or the economic stability where one party gets the credit are some standing out examples. Another one may be the destruction of churches and prosecution of believers in both of those nations. Most importantly, the territorial demands, pacts with Russia (Hitler made a pact with Joseph Stalin), racism, the modernization of armies and the characteristics of economies offer connections in between the two nations suggested. The primary industry strict control of raw materials and the steel industry as well as the manufacturing of secondary industry are greatly identifiable. Yet, the huge comparison is flawed for the poor quality and efficiency of Chinese production against the Nazi German one and unsound for the blatantly hostile Nazis versus friendly general Chinese public. Chinese business people, their managers and workers are primitive and lazy which the Germans of 1930s were definitely not, and the regular mainlanders more likely aren’t going to punch you in the face for looking at their girlfriends which the Germans in Reich then would have followed. All in all, Germans have been punctual perfectionists that are well educated and supported by their strong field of science while Chinese of the modern era have only been the opposite. To single out a country in the world in this comparison to the Nazi Germany, people ought to look at Japan that has more Nazi similarities than China.

Whistleblower - 2016-08-27
China-Core Socialist Values

The interesting advert somehow equates with the National Socialism from 1920s in Germany with which Hitler campaigned for the office.

The promises of financial assistance and the political and international salvation seem to relate so much that the similarities need to be observed. Large industrialists that mostly are connected to the government in the country anyway are heavily favored regardless laws which are ironically so loud in the Beijing’s promotion. The xenophobia with a strong racist trend that is felt around the nation is in a direct contradiction with the trumpeted values’ equality. The dictatorial approach to general public that is to accept the leader for an extended period of time is a contrary to the democracy pasted on walls of local subways or real estate projects.

Regardless the differences in the times or political systems in between the countries, people should notice the similarities before it is too late.

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