Return to Index › Kids Castle and Sean - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-08-21
Bad Signs - Teachers Discussion *Link*

Yup...Kids Castle seems to have a terrible rep among teachers everywhere in China. Avoiding them might be a good idea.

And anytime a school recruiter won't tell you the salary, the visa arrangement, or other details about your contract and compensation, they're really saying "RUN! Run like the wind and don't look back!" This is NEVER a good sign...

KS - 2006-08-19
Kids Castle and Sean - Teachers Discussion

Date: 2006

I would advise anone to accept any offers from any of the Xi'an Kids Castle Schools. I was contacted by "Sean" is Xian wanting to recruit me for a Kids Castle school. I do not know how he got my email address and he would not answer that question along with others that I had with him. I offered me a blank contract and would not tell me what the salary would be and what the bonus was.

I have been in Xi'an for two years and I have meet many teachers that have taught at many of the different KC schools. None of them enjoyed teahcing for KC and where glad to see the end of their contracts. This is a very dishonest group of schools no matter who the franchise is. Do not work here please.

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