Return to Index › ESL in rural indigenous Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Frank - 2006-08-23
In search of answers and advice - Teachers Discussion

Hello, Rob,

As youve probably noticed from the discussion threads here (past and present) that this ESL forum tends to be rather Asia-centric. I doubt you will find many folks who can offer much advice or insight regarding questions and concerns about places like Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador. (Perhaps Ill be pleasantly surprised and proven wrong in the coming days.)

I think your needs might be better served and your concerns addressed over at (oh geez, dare I say it???) Daves ESL Caf.

There they have more exclusive discussion forums for:

General Latin America:




In order to add posts to the discussion, you will be required to open an account at Daves with a verifiable e-mail address. Once they confirm your information (the process can take 1-3 days), your account will be approved and activated.

Also, you might also do various searches on Google.com for schools/jobs in those countries.

Good luck to you!


Rob - 2006-08-23
ESL in rural indigenous Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador - Teachers Discussion

Hello, all

I would love to teach English in the areas mentioned but one thing troubles me - the rural area of these countries, especially Bolivia and Peru, seem to be largely indigenous. No, I am no bigot, but it seems to me from what I have read that a lot of these people do not speak Spanish, preferring their native languages. The reason why I would like to travel to South America is primarily to become fluent in Spanish so being surrounded by a people who do not speak it might be a problem. The reason why I like these countries is because of the geography which seems to be unmatched by anyplace else in that part of the globe, but it is troubling that the nicer the mountains, lakes, deserts and jungles the less and less Spanish I might hear.

Another concern is that, from what I've read, the Indians seem to be very shy and it might be difficult to get to know them.

What do you think of my concerns? Are there rural regions in these countries that have a balance of Creole and Natives that will allow me to encounter a native culture and also get better at Spanish? Does anyone know of any ESL programs or schools in the region that you can recommend?


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