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#1 Parent San Migs - 2016-09-02
Re Racism in China

Agreed. Just goes to show the sheer ignorance of your average han chinese.

#2 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-09-01
Re Racism in China

Or as your average ignorant racist han chinese man, educated and nong ming alike would say,
we are not racist towards the uighurs, because there are not many muslims in China. WTF!

There's around 11.5 million uyghur people and about 10.5 million Hui people, (also Muslim).

That's around 22 million muslims in China. Not many? Anyone who says 'there are not many muslims in China' should invite them all out for dinner and pay the bill.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2016-09-01
Re Racism in China

I'd ask the hun police if an uighur can join the ranks, and we know what the answer would be to that one.

Or as your average ignorant racist han chinese man, educated and nong ming alike would say, we are not racist towards the uighurs, because there are not many muslims in China. WTF!

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