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#1 Parent caring - 2016-09-03
Re 100%

100 % sh&t. But I'm sure some old fart FTs enjoy being bitch whipped.

#2 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-09-02
Re 100%

It's a well-know fact that women are often more astute at managing family finances than men.

I have many western friends in long term western marriages where this also applies. Decent western wives are far less likely to say things like 'F*ck the electricity bill, I'm off to the pub!'

In most cases, my friends just simply don't have the time or the inclination to manage the household bills - or they are so accustomed to it now that they just don't care....

As long as you know what is going on, I see nothing wrong with 'wifey' managing the money.

#3 Parent Guangxi Guy - 2016-09-02
Re 100%

Oh yes of course. I would have guesstimated that too. Chinese wives wear the pants in the family. Always.

The foreign husbands who did not give up control won't appear on the list because... well after the divorce they are not husbands anymore! So yes it will always be 100% of the still married couples.

amused - 2016-09-02

Recently published research in the Journal of Foreign Teachers, funded by the Australian Silver Institute, indicates that among FTs who have married Chinese nationals, 100% of the wives control the family finances. The FT husbands report that they receive a weekly allowance for beer and cigarettes. http://shanghaiist.com/2016/09/01/chinese_women_control_household_finances.php

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