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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-09-03
Re It's an ill wind...

Taffy, Odd BJ, and other sirens supporting the private school industry in China on this site
have one purpose, to lure foolish FT candidates illegally into China.

Odd BJ had suggested a notorious Tianjin agent as a reputable Chinese employer. Said agent goes by the name of 'Yu Ming' .

Do not arrive and do not stay in the country without properly authorized documentation.

Sound advice, indeed!

#2 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-09-03
All Change......!

Do not arrive and do not stay in the country without properly authorized documentation.

Again, this is good advice. An ex-colleague of mine, who recently moved to another province for the start of this semester, was telling me the other day that his FAO was bemoaning the fact that the local PSB had been completely re-staffed.

That's right.....all the previous PSB employees had been re-deployed elsewhere and a complete new 'crew' had been brought in. Therefore, any PSB contacts that the locals may have had were simply not there anymore!

I doubt this is the only PSB office to be affected and no-one seems to know why the staff were all changed. However, it's a sign that your seemingly well-meaning FAO may end up eating his/her empty promises.

#3 Parent amused - 2016-09-03
Re It's an ill wind...

Misquoting Shakespeare (Not the ill wind which blows no man to good. - Henry IV, part II) while attributing inside knowledge of national enforcement activity to local Shaanxi officials who have spent a decade receiving kickbacks from recruiters and private skills is certainly evidence that the devil can cite scripture for his purpose.

Taffy, Odd BJ, and other sirens supporting the private school industry in China on this site have one purpose, to lure foolish FT candidates illegally into China.

Do not arrive and do not stay in the country without properly authorized documentation.

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