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#1 Parent San Migs - 2016-09-03
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I remember many a chinese student telling me they hated the USA.

Ask some of the boys what they eat for lunch....KFC, lol, and favourite sport, basketball. I had to laugh inwardly at their hypocrisy.

#2 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-09-03
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Just another racist east asian hellhole

I think secretly there's just a tad of racism in many people. My father, a Brit, would never set foot in France or Germany. 'I'm not spending my hard-earned money in one of those countries', he'd say. Yet he drives a Renault - work that out, lol!

The difference appears to be that many Asians are openly racist, whereas the more astute western (slightly) racist often tends to keep his opinions much closer to his chest.

The Chinese say they hate the Japanese yet you try counting the number of Toyota's in China, lol.

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-09-03
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F Teesy, you make a very interesting point. I wonder how many western men are married to Japanese women compared to how many western men are married to Chinese women.

From a personal perspective, I think that Japanese women are perhaps the most beautiful of all Asian women, yet I have heard (from several sources) that they are the most difficult women to convince when it comes to agreeing to become involved with a western man.

I remember a Japanese lady once telling me that one of their deep, dark cultural beliefs went something like this -

The first time that God made man, he burnt them. The second time, he under-cooked them. It wasn't until the third time that he was able to make them perfect, and they are the Japanese

She also told me that many Japanese parents/grandparents would sooner commit Hari-Kari than allow their daughter/granddaughter to marry a western man.

I know times are 'a-changin', but I wonder how much of the above still holds true?

Foxy, your post is thought-provoking - bad news for Silverboy, it seems!

#4 Parent San Migs - 2016-09-03
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Japanese are pretty racist, one reason I wouldn't go there to teach.

And the landlords are meant to be a nightmare, the slightest damage, and you won't get your key deposit. Just another racist east asian hellhole with the primitive confucian mindset that does not allow younger pilots to question an elderly pilot, that along with China and Korea, I would not fly on one of their airlines, unless there was an Australian or British captain.

#5 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-09-03
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F Teesy, you make a very interesting point. I wonder how many western men are married to Japanese women compared to how many western men are married to Chinese women.

From a personal perspective, I think that Japanese women are perhaps the most beautiful of all Asian women, yet I have heard (from several sources) that they are the most difficult women to convince when it comes to agreeing to become involved with a western man.

I remember a Japanese lady once telling me that one of their deep, dark cultural beliefs went something like this -

The first time that God made man, he burnt them. The second time, he under-cooked them. It wasn't until the third time that he was able to make them perfect, and they are the Japanese

She also told me that many Japanese parents/grandparents would sooner commit Hari-Kari than allow their daughter/granddaughter to marry a western man.

I know times are 'a-changin', but I wonder how much of the above still holds true?

#6 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-09-03
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The moral of the story is basically: don't marry a Chinese woman!

It's a great pity for some men that the attitudes of educated women in relation to marriage have changed much in many countries.

Going back to the mid 90's, I recall some of my upper middle class English major male students being eager to marry educated Japanese girls in due course. I was surprised at this, as I knew that in general Chinese citizens dislike the Japanese. The reason given was that educated Japanese girls will make excellent wives because they are very happy to play second fiddle in a marriage and do not mind going to work to increase the family's earnings.

However, I believe that that is no longer the case among educated Japanese girls. Not good news for men with mindsets akin to Silverboy!

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