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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-09-07
Re Chinese baked beans

Birds Custard is like an angel crying on your tongue, lol.
Easily available on TaoBao.

Incidentally, someone seems to have come up with an FT version of TB. Try www.baopals.com

Birds custard is RMB39.50 for 300g of custard powder.

You can see it here....


#2 Parent San Migs - 2016-09-07
Re Chinese baked beans

What happened to stop grumbling and start cooking?

I thought packet soups were the things you said FT's should take to China, couldn't you source white beans locally and make a tomato sauce yourself?

And baking....now apple pie can be baked in China, all you need then is that nice packet of Birds Custard powder from England as the perfect accoutrement, now am I right?

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