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#1 Parent Knut Olafsen - 2016-09-08
Re re: leaving again..

No more posting here, but you're still spelunking.


#2 Parent San Carlos - 2016-09-08
Re re: leaving again..

I know what it's like when manhole covers clunk into place. They can be cumbersome if you've had a few and a fight in the pub. I also know what it's like if you go home from years in Hong Kong and somebody steals your identity and mates on the forum- just saying like.

Not trying to be funny but recent weeks back home in Bolton did make me realise that I had China and the Chinese wrong all those years. I am nicely settled in Jinan now my Chinese bosses are champion as is my new girlfriend. It's good coming out of a long dark tunnel and seeing the light. Good luck to you mate, but I am glad I can move back. Cheers+beers SMG

#3 Parent Eddie Trebus - 2016-09-07
Re re: leaving again..

You will be sorely missed. We all hope you snag a great teaching job.

#4 Parent Foxy - 2016-09-07
Re re: leaving again..

Good Luck Migsy!

#5 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-09-07
Re re: leaving again..

Hello all,

I need to find a job due to some unforeseen circumstances for the upcoming school year (NOT China!!) before the "one" asks.

So it may be some time or possibly never again I shall post here. Again, I welcome all and any emails from anyone, good luck to all in China, you will need it, and to anyone out of China, I wish you prosperity.

cheers and beers (to quote an old poster), manhole clunks into place....this time for the last, IP addy can be tracked if I return, and linguistic marker....

So long,


Good luck to you. Sorry you're going/gone.

San Migs - 2016-09-07
re: leaving again..

Hello all,

I need to find a job due to some unforeseen circumstances for the upcoming school year (NOT China!!) before the "one" asks.

So it may be some time or possibly never again I shall post here. Again, I welcome all and any emails from anyone, good luck to all in China, you will need it, and to anyone out of China, I wish you prosperity.

cheers and beers (to quote an old poster),
manhole clunks into place....this time for the last, IP addy can be tracked if I return, and linguistic marker....
So long,

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