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#1 Parent Rudi - 2016-09-24
Re Who'll be first?

If the Chinese people, who are responsible for
making signs, menus, etc, can't be bothered to check the translation and spelling, then
they shouldn't complain when Western people laugh.

It's a sign that Chinese people don't really care what self-entitled Western people think.

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-09-20
Re Who'll be first?

In a third tier city? Americans are of zero importance there.

What does 'importance' have to do with it? If the Chinese people, who are responsible for making signs, menus, etc, can't be bothered to check the translation and spelling, then they shouldn't complain when Western people laugh.

Shanghai Pudong airport has some lovely brand new illuminated signs that read 'Baggage Depoist'

#3 Parent Rudi - 2016-09-20
Re Who'll be first?

In a third tier city? Americans are of zero importance there.

#4 Parent Foxy - 2016-09-19
Re Who'll be first?

Any foreigner who is not a moron knows that you should always refer to the Chinese first and
only ever read the English translation as a last resort.

Of course they should ! After all, most foreigners can easily read and/or write Chinese characters, and those that can't, well....they're 'morons', right?

The only people who are 'morons' are the one who use outdated electronic translation tools that translate such Chinese characters as 干 (dry) into 'f*ck'.

If these 'morons' are prepared to go to the time and trouble of putting English 'translations' onto menus then they are obviously attempting to cater for foreigners. Therefore, IMHO, they should spend a few extra bucks on getting the translation checked before going to print. That way American tourists will have nothing to laugh about!

#5 Parent Rudi - 2016-09-19
Re Who'll be first?

You're in China. People will without a doubt, translate things incorrectly. The only people who ever find that funny are American tourists that can't stop giggling when they discover that their 5 star hotel's restaurant offers 'steamed bums' at breakfast or 'roast lamp' at dinner.

I kind of wish that they wouldn't do that all the time but if the Chinese ever really got got that good at using the English language, there would be no need to hire [edited]

Any foreigner who is not a moron knows that you should always refer to the Chinese first and only ever read the English translation as a last resort.

#6 Parent Foxy - 2016-09-17
Re Who'll be first?

Try reading and UNDERSTANDING the English 'translation'!

Then you may see the humour.

#7 Parent Rudi - 2016-09-17
Re Who'll be first?

German style salted pork knuckle/trotters? So what?

Foxy - 2016-09-09
Who'll be first?

I'm posting this picture because I think it's hilarious! The perfect reason why restaurant owners and Baidu translate don't mix.

However, I'm certain that most regular posters here can think of at least ONE regular poster who would love to connect this photo to FT's in general, or at least to one FT in particular, using her inimitable style. Poor old SB would likely be the receiver had I not made this attempt to thwart what I consider to be her somewhat obvious intentions, lol.

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