Return to Index › China Visa Changes 2017 ABC teachers will be classed as unskilled labor
#1 Parent Confused - 2016-10-03
Re China Visa Changes 2017 ABC teachers will be classed as unskilled labor

News: Foreigner work permit applications to be streamlined to attract more top talent

Kindly check this link for the correct information of the propose visa / work permit categories - http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1005874.shtml.

I hope this will put to rest unrelated posts / interpretations.


#2 Parent caring - 2016-09-29
Re China Visa Changes 2017 ABC teachers will be classed as unskilled labor
#3 Parent Manuel Labor - 2016-09-27
Re China Visa Changes 2017 ABC teachers will be classed as unskilled labor

Neat year the FEC will merge and foreigners will be given ranks of A,B, or C. Foreign teachers will be classed as unskilled labor.

Class B will need to earn morn than 32,000 RMB a month and have around a HSK 6 level of Chinese.

Do you have a source for this?

#4 Parent caring - 2016-09-27
Re China Visa Changes 2017 ABC teachers will be classed as unskilled labor

English speaking nations should follow with the requirement for English similarily. I'd say many Chinese experts that spy anyway would've to return home then. As for the Chinese FEC office, it's nice to see some of them actually understand the letters A, B and C.

Betty Boo - 2016-09-27
China Visa Changes 2017 ABC teachers will be classed as unskilled labor

Neat year the FEC will merge and foreigners will be given ranks of A,B, or C. Foreign teachers will be classed as unskilled labor.

Class B will need to earn morn than 32,000 RMB a month and have around a HSK 6 level of Chinese.

A is for people who have a penis, lower in size than the average local, and hate Japanese devils whilst of course loving mother China, the center of the world

The first part is not a joke!

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