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#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-09-17
Movies - Teachers Discussion

I really like Fish4esl's advice on this.

I think English with Chinese subtitles is the best overall. At least they will hear the English. I think if you show it in Chinese, the subtitles will be ignored.

If you have time, try showing some movies once each way- first in Chinese to let them get the story, then again in English so that they can map the words they hear onto what they know about the movie.

I do think movies can have a place in an English program, but it's easy to overdo them. In most movies, even kids' movies, the language is too fast and too idiomatic to allow much teaching utility. But a bit is good!

#2 Parent maggie - 2006-09-12
Which one? - Teachers Discussion

Thanks for the advice.However,I would like to know which one is preferable.An English version with a Chinese subtitle or a Chinese version with an English subtitle?
I also prefer downloading the movies from the internet but i really don't know where i can download movies with subtitles.
Any ideas?
Merci beaucoup une fois de plus

#3 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-09-11
Amen! - Teachers Discussion *Link*

I'll definitely second this one. The Gods Must Be Crazy (especially the first one) is a jewel too few people know about. The Bushman who shares lead actor honors in it really is the guy you see there. He was paid for his work in cattle. A funny, sweet movie that transcends it low production budget. It's a movie you can watch with anyone and definitely worth a check-out. And yeah, I bought them here in China too.

#4 Parent The Earthling - 2006-09-09
movies for middle schoolers - Teachers Discussion

Try THE GOD'S MUST BE CRAZY I & II. Very humorous and easily understood from the body language. Two of my top choices. Available in China.

#5 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-09-08
No problem! - Teachers Discussion *Link*

Stick with kids' movies. Fortunately there are plenty of good ones, and many are readily available in local DVD shops. Chicken Run is a favorite of mine. Babe is very good. The Princess Bride is a jewel. I've bought ALL of these here in China. There are many more...some of the Muppet movies, a few of the Disney offerings, and more. Maybe the first Star Wars movie (First release, not "Volume 1...). It's not too hard to find these.

#6 Parent AMonk - 2006-09-07
Suggestions/Ideas - Teachers Discussion

Hello Maggie

The Middle Graders I have had (Native speakers, admittedly) have enjoyed The Mighty Ducks (I,II,III) about kids and hockey; Men In Black (I,II) the SciFi hit comedy about a secret organization which monitors aliens on Earth; Herbie : Fully Loaded (the latest "Love Bug" film) which stars Lindsay Lohan; X-Men (I,II)about mutant teenagers; Cool Runnings, fact-based comedy about the Jamaican bobsled team in the Olympics.

These are all fun, and suitable for Middle Graders.

You might wish to pre-screen them, so that you'll know what sorts of things will raise questions from your kids: cultural references, slang expressions, etc.

Happy Viewings

maggie - 2006-09-07
helllllllllllpp - Teachers Discussion

Hi folks,i have a problem.I will begin teaching grade one and two of a certain middleschool here in china.The only problem is i want the students to watch some movies in english but i really don't know which ones would be ok.Any suggestions on the types and if possible,titles of movies suitable for middle school students?

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