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#1 Parent caring - 2016-10-02
Re Exams for Foreigners working in China

Not accusing you but observing you based on your contribution. Your above post vs the Foreign Expert Office's online evaluation of the foreign applicants, which is probably half a decade old, is what you may be able to check or log in to accomplish for free, on the Internet. Instead of spewing your emotions on the eslteachersboard, you can follow up on other posters' messages more rationally than you have. But yes you can be the usual wingman for the multiple names poster doctor who also doesn't exactly portrays himself as a true grad from whatever/wherever he's studied.

You can see what's required in the post above - the one you accused me of trolling/spamming.

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-01
Re Exams for Foreigners working in China

Never heard of it before.

However, it seems that the test/exam that I referred to is not a test/exam at all. It's the point-scoring exercise to qualify for the A,B or C visa. Apparently the word 'exam' came from a Chinese-English translation.

You can see what's required in the post above - the one you accused me of trolling/spamming.

#3 Parent caring - 2016-10-01
Re Exams for Foreigners working in China

You and your left hand Turnoi have some incredible mornings. The exams have been around and mandated sporadically in a few cities for a quite few years. I'll never forget the nonsensical question about Queen of England in a test. Just imagine how some Yankees may have dealt with such non-American questions. In any case, foreign expert tests have been online to be taken; all you had to do is to get a password. What your left hand Doctor T ought to worry about, should he return from his Philippines exile, is the test to evaluate applicants' state of mind. :)

this morning I have received information stating that 'Foreigners applying for a work visa after March 1 2017 will have to sit an exam in order to determine which type of work visa (A,B or C) will be issued.
Foxy - 2016-09-29
Exams for Foreigners working in China

There's been a lot of talk of late about the introduction of a new policy about to be trialed in Shanghai.

Z-Visa's will be categorised A,B,C - I'm sure many of you have heard about it.

However, this morning I have received information stating that 'Foreigners applying for a work visa after March 1 2017 will have to sit an exam in order to determine which type of work visa (A,B or C) will be issued.

Has anyone else heard about this?

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