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#1 Parent caring - 2016-10-02
Re Banish the Laowai

Wow! I like this post of yours rather than the first one which I replied to as well. I don't think anyone needs anything to teach in China for the local experts always take care of us. As for the Chinese and their students visas for abroad studies, our consulates are accomplices in an extremely large scam to stimulate our economies and to undermine Chinese system. Unaware, our offices around the world are only playing into the Chinese cards.

#2 Parent amused - 2016-10-01
Re Banish the Laowai

you sound Chinese

Thank you.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-01
Re Banish the Laowai

Your purposeful spamming and trolling of the teachers site is despicable as the concern over
new regulations could have been posted in one entry. However you may claim your
projections have come on different mornings, you can't deny readers' anxiety over
multiple posts on legal work permits in China.

Purposeful spamming? Trolling? Oh, I'm so sorry for bringing that information to the attention of people it may affect. Perhaps I shouldn't bother in future!

Moreover, your poor forums character that on another thread suggests to leave issues to
Chinese to deal with is two faced too, since you obviously care little about foreign
teachers or anyone but yourself. Your neurotic contribution cannot explain the reallly
serious situation in China.

I'm happy to leave Chinese issues for Chinese people to deal with, however, this is not a 'Chinese issue' - it's one that concerns every working laowai in China.

As for being neurotic, I suggest you get some ear plugs so you can sleep without the drilling-man keeping you awake.

#4 Parent T.Swift - 2016-10-01
Re Banish the Laowai

I give Chinese a D or a E. If they studied abroad. Any university in a developed country is better than one from a corrupt one. It should be put in their passports for when the travel abroad.

Even if you are married here with kids you get nothing, no respect or the right to work!

Even highly skilled workers who earn 70,000 a month or more could end up with a C class visa if they have just arrived and cannot speak Chinese.

I do not think you need to have a degree in English or anything more than a CELTA or Trinity to teach in a crappy Chinese university or private kindergarten.

It cannot be that hard to learn the monkey system. Most teachers in developed countries do not have degrees relating to their specific fields.

I am sure many backpackers native or none native are able to teach "this is an apple, A, apple" to mongs

Also it would be illegal to class people in such a way in developed countries which have rule of law.

#5 Parent T.Swift - 2016-10-01
Re Banish the Laowai

nonsense you sound Chinese

#6 Parent caring - 2016-10-01
Re Banish the Laowai

Your purposeful spamming and trolling of the teachers site is despicable as the concern over new regulations could have been posted in one entry. However you may claim your projections have come on different mornings, you can't deny readers' anxiety over multiple posts on legal work permits in China.

Moreover, your poor forums character that on another thread suggests to leave issues to Chinese to deal with is two faced too, since you obviously care little about foreign teachers or anyone but yourself. Your neurotic contribution cannot explain the reallly serious situation in China.

Anyhow, there are scores of incredible problems such as lawlessness, abuse of employees, poor working environment, foolish educational system etc to be posted and discussed that could be so helpful for all; yet, with all due respect, we have the Internet at its worst here. Whether the truly insane foreign expert regulations are put well into practice or not remains to be seen as much as the contradictive 5 year rule for those FTs is to be fully experienced. Whether you and your handful of morning posters acquire a degree of consciousness on the board that may be read by many also remains in the stars which aren't so easily seen from a large number of polluted Chinese cities.

#7 Parent Foxy - 2016-09-30
Re Banish the Laowai

Go to Gansu.
Study Chinese characters.
Get your boss to give you a false contract showing a super-high salary, lol.

Every point will count!

Incidentally, with regard to the list of the world's top 200 universities, I checked 3 different websites and they all showed different results.

The first one listed my uni as being 192, the second one showed it at 174, and the third site didn't list it at all. I wonder which 'guide' the Chinese gov will refer to?

If you have access to YouTube you can see the basic information here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSCzLEOkres

#8 Parent Edmund Trebus - 2016-09-30
Re Banish the Laowai

Western countries restrict immigration and combat illegal immigrant employment in a variety of ways. China is developing it's own policies.

Rot! Chinese can buy residency in E.U. Countries, even if as a "laowai" in China you have the money, you cannot. Even Bill Gates could not get a green card, if it was Taiwan, he would have got residency no problem at all. Even an FT can get residency there after 5 years. Do you have a green card for China?

#9 Parent amused - 2016-09-30
Re Banish the Laowai

As many posters love to point out: China's laws are variably enforced and locally interpreted.

It is safe to say, however, that China, a country of over a billion people, is now philosophically committed to restricting immigration to what they perceive as higher value 'immigrants'.

No one know how this will affect the FTs who are working legally. Their ranks have likely thinned this academic year. As I have written before, this is no great tragedy. Chinese English teachers do an adequate job and many Chinese students are now returning to China with Western graduate degrees, eager to teach at universities. It can also be said that learning the English language is no longer as important in China as it was a decade ago.

FTs working illegally will continue to face the possibility of enforcement actions. As you suggest, I also suspect that their numbers have grown this past year. Recruiters and private schools will continue to do whatever is necessary to put a white face in their windows in the mall. No one actually cares what happens to these naive FTs that arrive without Z visas and end up working illegally.

Western countries restrict immigration and combat illegal immigrant employment in a variety of ways. China is developing it's own policies.

The day of the backpacker and the crazy Uncle FT is coming to an end.

Foxy - 2016-09-30
Banish the Laowai

The introduction of the work visa classification system that is to be trialed in 9 Chinese cities commencing Nov 1, is potentially going to have 2 disastrous effects, according to some people.

The first of these is that even more Laowai will leave China, and the second is that more and more people will risk working illegally.
The information I'm about to share with you was taken from a video on a certain well-known Internet channel that is banned in China. The video was posted on September 26th and is no longer there so I can't provide a link. The fact that it's no longer there is a little strange. It could have been removed by the OP or deleted by persons unknown.

The proverbial 'drums' are saying that if the trial is successful, then full implementation will commence March 1st next year.

We're all going to be categorised as A, B or C. 'A' being highly desirable, and 'C' being 'we don't want you here'. It's likely that many of us will fit into the 'B' category.

Are you ready to check your score? There are a total of 6 criteria. Under 60 = C. 60-85 = B. Over 85 = A

1. Your Salary in China
0-10K = 6 points
10-30K = 12 points
Over 30K = 16 points

2. Educational Background
Degree from a 'no-name' university = 6 points
Degree from the world's top 200 = 12 points
Ivy League and above = 16 points

3. Number of years working in China
0-2 years = 6 points
2-4 years = 12 points
4 years + = 16 points

4. Chinese Language Proficiency
HSK 1 or below = 6 points
HSK 2-4 = 12 points
HSK 5 or over = 16 points

5. Age
Under 25 or over 60 = 6 points
46 - 60 = 12 points
25 - 45 = 16 points

6. Location
Tier 1 cities = 6 points
Tier 2 cities = 12 points
Middle of nowhere = 16 points

Now, if this criteria is accurate and is what we can expect, my personal score would be exactly 60 points (although possibly 66 depending on the exchange-rate between $ and RMB). A score of 60 would make me borderline between being 'acceptable' and 'useless'.

To be fair I can understand where they are coming from, but only up to a point.

The top 200 universities in the world are going to include such names as Harvard, Oxbridge, Eton, etc. Who on earth would want to come and work in China after graduating from such a university?

As far as Chinese language proficiency goes, the difference between HSK 2 and HSK 5 is vast, yet only carries an extra 4 points.

Perhaps the trial will be enough for them to change the parameters, but for now it appears that this is all we've got to go on.

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