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#1 Parent Edmund Trebus - 2016-10-04
Re troll therapy

Corr, just as I was getting into Eddies coat and tails, into character, so to speak,and you have gone and cut me to the quick. As you have tumbled me, takes all the fun out of posting under the handle of the great hoarder and great WW2 veteran himself. As he was dead, bit obvious someone would pick up on it though, in hindsight. I would now prefer someone else takes over the handle, as you are very savvy at this interwebs stuff, you would know who (if anyone else?) takes over the great mans name on here. I might came back under the handle you already know, the S.E. asian brand of beer after Halloween,which is my busiest night of the year coming up,lots of demonic and satanic stuff to prepare for and attend to on the night where the veil between life and death, light and dark, is the closest, I shall be thinking of you and yours on that night of darkness, and also hope you will be celebrating it in China. Eddie reaches up, lowers the clasp, coffin cover creaks down with the sound of an old man pissing his last, and slams back into place.

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