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#1 Parent Frank - 2006-09-11
1000 xiexies, Hal! - Teachers Discussion


Thanks for the laughs and for making me cheer!

Yes, it seems the one (and only) thing all of us can agree upon is that some posters should pay more attention to the quality of writing they contribute ESL-related websites and discussion forums, such as this one. This "disease" is more of a "pandemic," because it is certainly not restricted to this website alone.

But where I loudly applaud your remarks is in your reaction to those FTs/posters who tend to speak to the rest of us from "on high;" contributing posts that are not so much discussions, as they are bloated, chastising, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing lectures! (I'll be happy to provide examples with weblinks.)

For the most part, I maintain a very friendly and hospitable attitude toward folks who contribute here, but nothing rankles me more than those who take it upon themselves to tell the rest of us how to think, how to feel, and how to behave (usually forgetting that other readers have also logged time here in China -- or another Eastern/Far Eastern country).

As much as most of us are a bit embarrassed or even horrified by the quality of some people's writing, I am far more taken aback by the arrogance and hypocracy displayed by of a number of ESLTB posters. (I also have a theory that a few of these people are actually one and the same person -- just using a variety of monikers -- fish4esl is not one of them.)

Thanks a million for your wise and winning post!


#2 Parent Hal - 2006-09-10
Now, that's funny! - Teachers Discussion

What is more embarrassing is the immaturity, the hostility and anger, the narrow-mindedness, the one-up-manship, the mental and emotional distress, and the chest thumping that is frequently displayed on the net.

But it's the internet and it's meant to be informal and it's meant to be funny and it's meant to be anonymous and most of it is just a lot of hogwash anyway, right?

Hey, ##Esl,

Doesn't this quote strike you as the proverbial pot calling the kettle black?

I am certainly with you about language teachers being better in writing their responses; after all, they do represent their profession even if it is in China where the market is saturated with lousy schools, corrupt administrators, and unethical recruiters.

But judging by your history of posting here, I do find your responses to various postings and reviews as nothing short of what you should be embarrassed about yourself--your immaturity, your sense of self-righteousness, and the usual underhandedness of attacking a poster or a reviewer.

But it's the internet right?

Based on your snotty, caustic replies, it doesn't take anyone with much intelligience to figure out what you're all about, even if a teacher writes badly.

Being a pompous cyber jerk won't win you any friends in the cyber arena, but that really doesn't strike me as a particular high priority with you especially if it gets in the way of your attack mode.

Hey, I hear KFC is hiring. Those pressure cookers for the extra crispy need someone of your caliber. Why don't you apply? It would be good therapy for managing your anger, and might even help you come to terms with your chicken s#%$ replies.

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