Return to Index › Re Trump is a legend!
#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-08
Re: Re Trump is a legend!

Foxy, there are times when a difference in degree becomes a difference in kind. Trump is a
very low-life.

Haha, and Hillary isn't?

There are 22 scandals over 46 yrs in public life. Whitewater, covering up Bill's adultery, Rose Law Firm billing, Vince Foster, Mena airport in AR, Filegate, Travelgate, Chinagate, Clinton Foundation, e-mail server etc. Her foreign policy was a disaster, including Libya, Egypt, Bosnia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and ISIS. Hillary's policies of raising taxes, continuing Obamacare, greater regulations, trade deals, open borders, pro-death, anti-family, racism, class warfare, redistribution of wealth etc, will destroy America.

#2 Parent Curious - 2016-10-08
Re: Re Trump is a legend!

Foxy, there are times when a difference in degree becomes a difference in kind. Trump is a very low-life.

#3 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-08
Re Trump is a legend!

I'm not American, but I have always said that if there's one ex-President I'd love to have a beer with, then it's old Billy-boy himself.

Clinton was stupid enough to get caught being lewd with Lewinsky, but in my view it simply 'humanised' him. It certainly did not reflect on his ability to run the country.

Trump, in my opinion, is in the same category as Bill Clinton when it comes down to simply being 'human'.

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