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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-13
Re China Jasmine Tea

The Chinese tea culture truly is wonderful. It offers a great variety of teas that are
produced/made differently.


I do not like this tea, but each to their own! However, it's cheap and easy to buy here.

See jpg!

#2 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-13
Re China Jasmine Tea

The Chinese tea culture truly is wonderful. It offers a great variety of teas that are produced/made differently.


I do not like this tea, but each to their own! However, it's cheap and easy to buy here.

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-12
Re Black China Tea

The Chinese tea culture truly is wonderful. It offers a great variety of teas that are produced/made differently. Visiting a Chinese tea shop may provide one with some of the knowledge you need. Prices vary depending on factors such as how old the tea is, what part of China it's from or how the tea is grown/produced. The black tea, which some locals slip to me when I am asking for red tea, is delightful; however, I prefer drinking the red one. With fruits (or without them) tea is better than any other drink that I know.


What the Chinese call 'black tea' is spoken in Chinese as 'hong cha'. But 'hong' means red!
I've also drunk red tea in China. It tastes similar to black tea here.
Green tea is much more popular than black or red tea in China.
Here in Inner Mongolia there is a dark tea available in brick form. It's very cheap and when you visit a restaurant here, a teapot is put on your table, and the tea is free of charge. This 'Mengu cha' tastes a bit like black/red tea, but I think it's inferior to black tea, my preferred tea.

#4 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-12
Re Black China Tea

The Chinese tea culture truly is wonderful. It offers a great variety of teas that are produced/made differently.

There is a pre-packed loose tea easily found here in Inner Mongolia in a bag colored red and light brown. It is cheap and it's called jasmine tea. The brand of the manufacturer is 'Monkey'. It is a bitter tea that I wouldn't recommend. Said manufacturer also produces a black tea. That one is excellent and was available at some Changchung supermarkets/large convenience stores at 8 RMB/100 g bag about 6 years ago.

#5 Parent Caring - 2016-10-12
Re Black China Tea

The Chinese tea culture truly is wonderful. It offers a great variety of teas that are produced/made differently. Visiting a Chinese tea shop may provide one with some of the knowledge you need. Prices vary depending on factors such as how old the tea is, what part of China it's from or how the tea is grown/produced. The black tea, which some locals slip to me when I am asking for red tea, is delightful; however, I prefer drinking the red one. With fruits (or without them) tea is better than any other drink that I know.

#6 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-11
Re Black China Tea

I have just bought a 100 gram shelved bag of my favorite black tea at a local Chinese supermarket for 12 RMB. This brand of black tea is excellent and rather cheap. Depending on where you are in China, black tea can be hard to find and expensive. China teas vary tremendously in price. My favorite black tea is both much cheaper and better-tasting than available western brands here in Northern China. The bag I bought this afternoon will last me well over a month.

'Shelved' should be replaced by ' on the shelf '. Sorry, my mistake. If something is 'shelved', it means no action will be taken on it until at a later time, a proposed governmental tax reform policy, for example.

Former FT in China - 2016-10-11
Black China Tea

I have just bought a 100 gram shelved bag of my favorite black tea at a local Chinese supermarket for 12 RMB. This brand of black tea is excellent and rather cheap. Depending on where you are in China, black tea can be hard to find and expensive. China teas vary tremendously in price. My favorite black tea is both much cheaper and better-tasting than available western brands here in Northern China. The bag I bought this afternoon will last me well over a month.


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