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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-13
Re Julian of Wikileaks

I'd vote for master Julian Assagne if I could.

Good Aussie bloke! A mister who is a MASTER and a man of principle!

Pity that the Aussie government does nothing to help him!

#2 Parent caring - 2016-10-13
Re public housing

You make the complex topic so clear.

The problem with public housing is that the people who live in the house did not earn the money to buy it. These parasites just reside there at the expense of the taxpayer. Because of this the residents do not have pride of ownership. They neither appreciate the value of the property or understand the need to maintain or respect it in any way.
The assistance to poor is designed to keep streets clean and the basic human rights intact. Calling people that can't earn enough money "parasites" lacks courage. Even though there are individuals who abuse the system everywhere in the world, there are many who truly get off the streets which may reduce the crime rates as well. This is about the "respect" you're suggesting there.

To stop this outrage, on November 8 in the USA people should vote for TRUMP!

He will also put a stop to the global warming scam that was engineered by libtards in the USA and also the Chinese.

Smoking weed with Bush and supporting Clinton fundraisers , Donald has learnt tricks. The "read my lips-no more taxes" and "if you are on our list-you'll get help" is compelling. Too bad Yankees can't vote for a rotten Kiwi like you.

In Australia, VOTE 1 Pauline Hanson for similar reasons.
Hard to politicize there but I'd vote for master Julian Assagne if I could.
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