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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-13
Re Black China Tea

most biscuits can't hold their
own sadly.

Hob Nobs! McVities Hob Nobs ! You can drop these bad-boys from the top of the Empire State Building into a vat of white-hot molten steel and they won't 'die' on you! These babies are the S.A.S of biscuits! However, unlike their delicious cousins, the chocolate digestive, Hob Nobs taste like straw.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2016-10-13
Re Black China Tea

Indeed, and the tea must have some body, a rich taste, not too much milk though! Nowt better than a biscuit or two with a cuppa....one dunk or two, most biscuits can't hold their own sadly.

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