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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-17
Re maybe going home to the west could mean death

I do not consider you or Turnoi to be patients in that ward.

I guess that's the closest thing to a compliment I'm ever likely to get, lol.

Poorly written English on an ESL Teachers forum is fair game.

OK, if that's your personal view then I can respect that, but please don't be too condescending when other posters attribute this attitude to be some kind of gladiatorial battle involving titans of triviality.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2016-10-17
Re Beware of China Haters!

Not really. Silverboy,Turnoi, myself all taught well in China and legally. Not the fault of good teachers, the fault of the corrupt system. If China wants to retain good FT's pay good salaries, and make the visa situation easier, not more difficult. By making it more difficult as they have already done, and continue to do so, it only makes matters worse for them. Lots of jobs that need filling, but noone is willing to jump through the hoops and pay the costs just to get the visa, when it is cheaper/less stressful in other places. They went after non native speakers, but those are the ones who will work in the kindergartens and teach the kids, white blokes with a degree generally will not want to do that kind of work....so, they are creating the problems they are trying to avoid, namely getting teachers to work in their kindergartens and meet the demand of that market of english to kids, and having native speakers in colleges. high/middle schools and unis. I don't expect them to change, and nor should they, but it doesn't mean that we have to lump it! Just my two cents....

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-17
Re Beware of China Haters!

There are also semi-regular posters who are resentful because they can no longer obtain legal employment in China. Either they are unable to produce clean criminal background checks from their homelands, or apostilled qualifications, or they have been banned from China for behaving immorally/teaching illegally in China.

Of course, they will keep those negative things about themselves secret. However, they will slate China time after time on this board in order to discourage jobseekers from accepting positions as FTs in China.

#4 Parent amused - 2016-10-17
Re maybe going home to the west could mean death

Sometimes I wonder if this site should be referred to as a 'teachers board' or a site for
bored teachers

The most prolific contributors to this forum are individuals who no longer teach ESL or who choose to cloak their employment activity. The posts that are punctuated with '[edited]' most likely contain vulgar personal attacks. I doubt that the moderators are editing references to Milton or Chaucer.

Luddite posts on scientific forums are savaged. Feminist posts on Christian forums receive bible-thumping sermons. Poorly written English on an ESL Teachers forum is fair game.

This forum is relegated to a few codgers who stroll together down Commonwealth Memory Lane, sharing memories of biscuits, comparing mythical retirement holdings and venting about women who were unfortunate enough to have birthed, betrothed and bedded them.

I confess to clutching to the naive beliefs that toothless chatter belongs in a nursing home, that English teachers should be able to write English and that teachers' forums should be discussions about teaching.

I do not consider you or Turnoi to be patients in that ward.

#5 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-16
Re maybe going home to the west could mean death

There are certain posters here who seem to have the ability to write with impunity whilst others have their posts edited with the voracity of the Chinese Internet police.

I'm almost certain that there are many would-be-posters out there who are just too fearful of posting on this site lest their contribution is seen as being somewhat other than a thesis statement, or contains a small typing error or misplaced comma. These would-be-posters are then summarily judged, tried, and convicted of being a 'deecher', and should await execution.

Sometimes I wonder if this site should be referred to as a 'teachers board' or a site for bored teachers.

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