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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-18
Re Murder at (The) Oriental

As for individuals that insensitively broach grammar issues when the subject is the death of young students, hanging is to good for them.

That's the way the cookie crumbles. I don't give a damn! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

#2 Parent amused - 2016-10-18
Re Murder at (The) Oriental

oops: too good

#3 Parent amused - 2016-10-18
Re Murder at (The) Oriental

I'm far from amused at your English. Hung should be hanged!

Prescriptive grammar says you are correct.
But I believe that people who continue to use 'hanged' are pedantically prescriptive.
As for individuals that insensitively broach grammar issues when the subject is the death of young students, hanging is to good for them.

#4 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-18
Re Murder at (The) Oriental

Perhaps, Foxy, you might consider providing your students a similar forum.

Thanks for sharing your story, and also for the suggestion. However, it was the first thing I did in every class yesterday. I have made it quite clear to all my students that this is a subject I am more than prepared to talk with them about. One of my grade 11 students has a younger brother in the school where this tragedy happened, and so far he is the only one who has openly discussed it.

#5 Parent BeenThere - 2016-10-18
Re: Re Murder at (The) Oriental
#6 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-18
Re Murder at (The) Oriental

During my tenure at one university in China, one male student hung himself immediately prior to the beginning of a semester upon learning that his girl friend had taken a new lover during the summer break.

I'm far from amused at your English. Hung should be hanged!!

#7 Parent amused - 2016-10-18
Re Murder at (The) Oriental

There are moments when foreign teachers are 'at sea' during their time in China, lost in the unique cultural response to powerful tragic events.

During my tenure at one university in China, one male student hung himself immediately prior to the beginning of a semester upon learning that his girl friend had taken a new lover during the summer break. The same year a student on an e-bike was crushed by a public bus on the street running through the campus. The following year a young woman was raped in her dorm room by a local man who had trespassed on the campus during a holiday week. That same year a popular young Chinese teacher of English plunged to her death from the terrace of a hotel room downtown.

In the wake of each event, the university rushed to squash any information about the tragedy, contacting parents with offers of remuneration, forbidding teachers to discuss the event among themselves or with students, leaking misinformation, all in an obtuse attempt to protect the university's reputation and market status.

I made it a point to discuss each of these events with my students during class time, listening to their fear and anger, careful not to project my own. The Dean and FAO director criticized my behavior but were busy with their own administrative coverup. Perhaps, Foxy, you might consider providing your students a similar forum.

As a U.S. citizen, I am too familiar with violence in schools. For all their academic shortcomings, Chinese schools are significantly safer than those in the U.S.

Responses to tragedies, while powerful, are less important than prevention.

#8 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-18
Re Murder at (The) Oriental

Foxy, it's very tragic, as you say.

One summer's afternoon some years ago my wife and I witnessed a young Chinese couple quarrelling in the street. No-one dared to intervene. We all looked on as the quarrel intensified. Finally, the young man produced a long knife and stabbed the girl to death with several thrusts of his knife. The police arrived shortly afterwards and detained the young man. Later, we heard that they were university students who had been lovers, and the girl had told him she was finishing with him because she was in love with another student. She was rather beautiful.

Foxy - 2016-10-17
Murder at (The) Oriental

If you ask any parent a simple question such as, 'Name two places on Earth where your child would be safe', surely the answer would be 'Home and School'.

The greatest fear of any parent is that they should lose their child to an untimely death. Children pre-deceasing their parents is not the natural order of things.

For any parent, losing a child must be devastating beyond comprehension, but when one stops to consider the added trauma of losing an only child, then the feeling of devastation becomes beyond profound.

On Saturday, October 15th, at an extremely well-respected school in my city, a 16-year-old student attacked one of his classmates, in the classroom, with a Stanley knife. In one swift movement, the perpetrator slit the throat of his classmate leaving him to bleed to death in a matter of seconds. It has rocked this city.

What's worse is that this same perpetrator had apparently previously threatened a female classmate (with the same knife), some time ago, and the school did nothing. Had they acted, then maybe this tragic event would never have happened.

Whether by choice or design, the 'leader' of the foreign teachers at the aforementioned school, who is a Westerner himself, sent out instructions to all the foreign teachers on Saturday night, NOT to discuss this matter with the newly-arrived teachers in case it frightened them away. Instead, he concentrated on organising his 'troops' so as not to be late for the tailor on Monday morning, since being measured for their new suit was of paramount importance. He later went on to instruct those same teachers not to be late, since being late would mean they would have to walk across a part of the schoolyard where the weekly 'flag-raising ceremony' would take place. Oh, heaven forbid!

This nonchalant attitude spoke volumes. He's sending out instructions in a 'business-as-usual' manner, while his own colleagues, and students under his care, are mourning the tragic killing of an extremely popular student.

The dead students' mother was photographed on Sunday. She was lying on the ground outside the school gate surrounded by other parents who were hopelessly attempting to comfort her.

There's a collage of family photographs that have been uploaded to the internet, including a musical soundtrack that when watched and listened to, would make the eyes of even the person with the coldest heart well-up with tears.

Not only have these innocent people lost their only son, but we should also feel for the parents of the perpetrator. Their son is going to prison for a long, long time. Two completely innocent couples have lost their only child, and for what?

The one-child policy in China, although now scrapped, has created a generation of people who will one day lead this country.

Words fail me.

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