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#1 Parent Anthony - 2016-10-24
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

Yep, I was also on a jury, in Scotland in a rape trial. Although unemployed at that time, I
was elected jury foreman by my fellow jurors. Though some of the female jurors were
eager to convict the accused, I managed to get them to change their minds. We gave a
verdict of 'not proven' in the end, which was an option under Scots law at that time,
maybe still so. The overriding reason was there was no medical evidence pointing to

Another reason was that the accuser had tried to defraud the social security in order to
obtain a double dole payment by claiming a lost postal dole cheque, which was later
presented at a post office. She had copped the blame for that one. So, she was a liar.

As for him, his previous convictions weren't revealed, coz of Scots law, before and during
our deliberations! That could have made us, the jurors, appear incompetent had he been
cautioned for rape or molestation before the alleged offence had purportedly taken

However, we had reached the correct decision as after we gave our verdict, his previous
convictions were read out by the judge, and were only for car theft and driving while
banned. Nothing violent or sexual. He was acquitted of the rape charge, the only one the
trial was concerned with.

She had brought the rape charge in order to try to get a 500 pound rape compensation payment
from the government while he would have had to serve a 7 year jail term in all
likelihood. She screamed when I ,as jury foreman, gave the verdict of the jury! She got
no payment at all. I think she should have been tried for perjury and attempted fraud.
However, she wasn't arrested, and was allowed to leave unimpeded!

I wouldn't put it past you to have made all this up to please pigdog!

#2 Parent jake - 2016-10-24
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

Chinese women are lucky to have sex with a white guy, no matter how it happens.
Lying is no problem in China.
Fortunately we can tell the truth here.

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-24
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

The judge scolded the police and prosecution for wasting the courts time and taxpayers money. We found the "rapist" not guilty obviously.
Women make up stories all the time and expect to be believed just because they are women.

A case in point:

The false rape charge against Julian Assange instigated by the Swedish government on behalf of the Americans. Clearly, the Swedish government are running dogs of the Americans.

Yep, I was also on a jury, in Scotland in a rape trial. Although unemployed at that time, I was elected jury foreman by my fellow jurors. Though some of the female jurors were eager to convict the accused, I managed to get them to change their minds. We gave a verdict of 'not proven' in the end, which was an option under Scots law at that time, maybe still so. The overriding reason was there was no medical evidence pointing to rape.

Another reason was that the accuser had tried to defraud the social security in order to obtain a double dole payment by claiming a lost postal dole cheque, which was later presented at a post office. She had copped the blame for that one. So, she was a liar.

As for him, his previous convictions weren't revealed, coz of Scots law, before and during our deliberations! That could have made us, the jurors, appear incompetent had he been cautioned for rape or molestation before the alleged offence had purportedly taken place.

However, we had reached the correct decision as after we gave our verdict, his previous convictions were read out by the judge, and were only for car theft and driving while banned. Nothing violent or sexual. He was acquitted of the rape charge, the only one the trial was concerned with.

She had brought the rape charge in order to try to get a 500 pound rape compensation payment from the government while he would have had to serve a 7 year jail term in all likelihood. She screamed when I ,as jury foreman, gave the verdict of the jury! She got no payment at all. I think she should have been tried for perjury and attempted fraud. However, she wasn't arrested, and was allowed to leave unimpeded!

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