Return to Index › Red Potatoes and Brown Mushrooms
#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-24
Red Potatoes and Brown Mushrooms

Marge is poison. End-of!

#2 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-24
Red Potatoes and Brown Mushrooms

'Twas initially claimed by the medical experts that marge was better for you than butter in that the former was healthier because it prevented cholestorol build-up in your blood, and so lessened the risk of a heart attack. I bet that marge sales rocketed because of that claim.

However, since then that has been proved a false assertion.

Anyway, if you really can't do without marge/butter, and the prices are similar, buy butter. Butter tastes much better than marge, as I recall. I used to buy Wheelbarrow unsalted butter back in the days in Blighty.

Having been off marge/butter for such a long time, I have no desire to get back on to either.

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