Return to Index › Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps
#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-27
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

I was thinking of you, dear Foxy,

If you wish to woo me, my dear, then just come out and say so. There's no room for bashfulness here.

#2 Parent Curious - 2016-10-27
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

I was thinking of you, dear Foxy, when I read the title of this CNN article "Dear Professor Gingrich: Sign up for America's Changing 101" about the conversation between journalist Megyn Kelly and Newt Gingrich one of the most repugnant pot-bellied old white hypocritical guys on the planet.

#3 Parent Curious - 2016-10-27
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

Are you asking me to be politically correct (PC)?

#4 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-26
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

This is why I called you a dino: You resist evolution. It's your absolute right to chose
to be an antique chair or a dino skeleton in a museum or the tombstone of Eleanor Rigby
at St Peter's Church.

If you wish to engage me in a serious debate then I respectfully suggest that you refrain from using ad hominems.
My reply to your 'shopping list' was as flippant as your original post seemed to be.

As regards resisting evolution, or 'change', you couldn't be further from the truth.
'Change' is either for the better or worse, both of which are perceived differently, depending on one's perspective.

Only yesterday I was telling some Grade 7 students how the name 'Gay' used to be a very common name for women in the UK many years ago.
I remember my mother having two friends who were both named 'Gay'. Those women would now be well into their 70's. Imagine meeting new people and introducing yourself - 'Hi, I'm Gladys,' 'Oh, nice to meet you, I'm Gay.'

'Change', as you suggest, it not always for the 'better'.

#5 Parent Curious - 2016-10-26
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

America has a clear choice (like the UK had a few months ago): Voting for the past or voting for the future. I chose the future.

Change will keep happening; nothing we can do about it. Better to go with it than against it. This is why I called you a dino: You resist evolution. It's your absolute right to chose to be an antique chair or a dino skeleton in a museum or the tombstone of Eleanor Rigby at St Peter's Church.

Note: I am not the poster called Amused. I have been posting on this board for many years (although not on a regular basis) before Amused.

#6 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-26
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

Your type is facing extinction; you have become irrelevant.

My 'type' of what? 'Irrelevant' to whom?

I think you are 'Amused' in disguise.

You seem to be the epitome of 'Political Correctness'. It's OK for you to state your opinion, but when someone else states theirs, then they are 'facing extinction'. So sad.

#7 Parent Curious - 2016-10-26
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

Your type is facing extinction; you have become irrelevant.

#8 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-26
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

We don't need to grope you
We don't need to discriminate against you if you change your selfish attitude towards men.
We don't need our environment to further deteriorate - but it will.
We don't need Russia's interference, nor that of America!
We don't need to be further divided. So let's get rid of all forms of organised religion.
We don't need to hate more. Some people deserve to be hated.
We don't need erratic policies. No. We need honest politicians.
We don't need cronyism. Sometimes it's justified.
We don't need the freedom of our press to be restricted. How would we know if it was?
We don't need the celebration of masculinity, nor femininity.
We don't need some of our children to be deprived of hope. That's the first decent thing in your list.
We don't need some classes of our population to be deprived of healthcare and food. This is the second.
We don't need tax policies that favor the top 1%. So scrap the Federal Reserve and all the other major banks.
We don't need to return to the 1950s. No, but we need to remove the cancerous PC that is totally out of control.

#9 Parent Curious - 2016-10-25
Re: Re Are Chinese as dim as Toc-H lamps

We don't need to be groped
We don't need to be discriminated against
We don't need our environment to further deteriorate
We don't need Russia's interference
We don't need to be further divided
We don't need to hate more
We don't need erratic policies
We don't need cronyism
We don't need the freedom of our press to be restricted
We don't need the celebration of masculinity
We don't need some of our children to be deprived of hope
We don't need some classes of our population to be deprived of healthcare and food
We don't need tax policies that favor the top 1%
We don't need to return to the 1950s.

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