Return to Index › To Turnoi, and a little also to Taffy
#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-10-27
Re To Turnoi, and a little also to Taffy

You can chose to go with the change or you can chose to resist it,

Can chose TO do something? Twice in the same sentence? Is this another one of your paradigm 'shifts'?

Curious - 2016-10-27
To Turnoi, and a little also to Taffy

To Turnoi, who despite his crocodiles and his mercilessness towards the deechers out there, is on an eternal quest for truth. And to Taffy because, man, you have a beautiful daughter who, in a few years (they will pass quickly) will start getting the attention of men. The other 4 hard core conservatives on this forum, don't bother reading cause you are totally hopeless; move on to another post, nobody gives a f*ck about what you think.

The paragraph below was written by a Republican woman, 35ish, professional and pretty. She WANTS to continue giving her allegiance to the Republican party but she can't give it to Trump. Please note the going back to the 1950s, the misogynist notions of feminity, the open hostility to women who question you. Why do I bother writing this post? It's a long shot. For the sake of evolution, I am trying to open a little crack in the mind of two decent men who are stuck in the 1950s: Taffy with your un-dissected/un-scrutinized admiration for Trump (you would probably admire Mussolini also), and Turnoi with your old christian values where men were in charge (of course most of them were benevolent) and women were serving them (like your wife did all her life), christian values that make you brush aside as "feminist" all attempts to evolve when it comes to the situation of women in the world. But society is going through a change of paradigm. You can chose to go with the change or you can chose to resist it, or just ignore it, like most Republicans.

"Mr. Trump has sent the party back to the Dark Ages — or at least the 1950s — with his provincial notions of masculinity and misogynist notions of femininity, his cartoonish bombast, his vulgar jocularity and his open hostility to women who question him.

What’s surprising is just how many Republicans — men and women — have been all too happy to smell like him [reference to an idiotic congressman called Akin]. Political operatives feigned ignorance about whether grabbing a woman’s genitalia is sexual assault (it is), while female supporters claimed these weren’t important issues to women (they are)."

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