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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-07
Re Tourists

Nice ass, lol! No wonder some Western men decide to choose Asian women over 'pigs' like that!

A couple of weeks ago, there was a group of 3 foreigners (country of origin not determined), who went into a 'metro' station (Underground train), jumped the barrier (whilst carrying their pushbikes), and tried to board a train without paying. They were caught by the station's security people and were subsequently evicted.

I showed the video of it to one of my Chinese students and made the comment, 'It's idiots like this who get all laowai a bad name in China'.
His reply astounded me - he said, 'Well, Chinese people behave like animals whenever they go abroad, so why should you care?'


#2 Parent MikeK - 2016-11-05
Re Tourists

Rubbish.... You've obviously never seen British Tourists trying to drink more than 5 pints in a day and remain compost- mentis afterwards hour on the "Costa Del RichardHead" in Spain..

Here's a classy trio of Brit gals...No vomit yet but it's on it's way...

Fenigold Spence - 2016-11-05

Chinese tourists, stay home! The world is sick and tired of your barbaric manners. People are sick of seeing you spit on the streets. People are tired of you leaving restaurants filled with garbage on the floor. People are sick of seeing you rudely bumping others in line or defecating on the streets.
It is laughable when you criticize foreigners who work in your hell hole of a country, and then you come over to ours behaving as rudely as you do. So Chinese tourists, please do all of us a favor: get the hell out of our countries, and don t ever come back.

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