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#1 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-07
Re protecting your own

PD, 'grovelling' is an understatement! You are obviously an Aussie, I am too, but by 'default'. I was born in England but emigrated to Aus and lived there long enough to get citizenship. What made me decide to emigrate? One day, my 9-year-old daughter came home from school with a card. It said 'Happy Diwali'. I was furious! Not because of the fact that we shouldn't be encouraged to embrace other cultures, but due to the fact that Christmas cards and Christmas trees were banned in case they 'offended'.

In the UK, it's 'illegal' to fly the flag. Yet immigrants are allowed to fly THEIR flag in their front garden, but native Brits cannot.

I remember our first trip back to the UK, we had gone to visit my brother and his family. We had taken my (very) young granddaughter who was still learning to talk. We had this kind of crazy 'babbling' chat at the time - sort of 'Blahblablathethe' kind of nonsensical speech. As we sat in my brother's back garden, engaging in this drivel, my brother came running out of the house shouting 'STOP,STOP,STOP!'

I looked at him with intrigue and asked 'Why?'

He leaned over to my ear and said 'We have Pakistani people next door, they'll think you are mocking them'.

It was at that moment that I realised my decision to leave the UK, and all its 'bullshit', was the right thing to do. It's such a shame that some 15 years later, Australia was embracing the same ridiculous PC.

Don't get me wrong....Political Correctness is OK if it's implemented with common sense, but it's not....

All this - 'You can't do THAT, in case you offend someone' - well, has anyone actually ASKED these people if they'd be offended? Of course not!

That would be too easy!

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