Return to Index › It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?
#1 Parent Sigint - 2016-11-08
Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?

I meant a lot more thank it is now.

#2 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-07
Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?

I only hear that undeclared private tuition is going to become very profitable.

It already is.............................which cloud are you living in?

#3 Parent Sigint - 2016-11-07
Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?

I only hear that undeclared private tuition is going to become very profitable.

Who do you they gonna turn to if their little me can't learn English at school anymore?

Certainly not Chinglish local teachers, I can tell you that.

#4 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-11-07
Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?

Everyone of the books printed in China to teach English is absolute crap. Teachers in China who are Chinese are poor English soeakers, and the demand for Native speakers will always exceed the supply.

Absolutely correct!

The days of many jobs available in the public education sector for native English speakers are still with us. Readers need only view the relevant thread of this board (link shown below) to confirm what you and I have stated.


#5 Parent Says Native Speaker Deecher - 2016-11-06
Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?

The only good cirriculums are foreign ones, and you know it. Everyone of the books printed in China to teach English is absolute crap.

#6 Parent JC - 2016-11-06
Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?

That is BS, John O'Shea (we all know you are Chinese by your obvious lack of English skills. and poor sentence structure. Your English is terrible, so you are ovbiously not a teacher.
English lessons are not being removed from classes, but they are more and more important in China. You are jealous because you are not a native speaker. The only good cirriculums are foreign ones, and you know it. Everyone of the books printed in China to teach English is absolute crap. Teachers in China who are Chinese are poor English soeakers, and the demand for Native speakers will always exceed the supply.

#7 Parent caring - 2016-11-05
Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?

Believing is one thing, inferring another. Local governmental institutions in some nations love controlling their people and the education is on the top of their list. In China, many laws/regulations are ignored and only few that are inconvenient pay the price. So, finding new loopholes schools that go with the flow or that bribe the right power will most likely stay in business.

#8 Parent BeenThere - 2016-11-05
Re: Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?


#9 Parent MikeK - 2016-11-05
Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?

" the government would only be driving the whole industry underground. "

Would this mean Mr Wangbadan of Wangbadan Training would be forced into loitering up alleyways and saying to kids "psssst.... wanna try an English lesson kid?"

#10 Parent caring - 2016-11-05
Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?

You sound like another resentful poster who hates losing recruitment fees and who fails to see what's in his own reference. 6-12 year olds are fastest learners which is the reason why local authorities are worried they'd fail to brainwash their population. Some local primary schools substitute their Chinese programs with foreign curriculum which may encourage independent thinking and which may build up critical thinking skills too. The powers aren't keen to hit courses which send rich local parents' kids abroad and that's what your well qualified and experienced eye fails to see here.

From the article:
Chinese lawmakers are considering a ban on for-profit private schools that have classes for first- through ninth-graders — a move that could affect 12 million students and deal a heavy blow to the country’s booming private-education sector

The latest draft revision to a 2002 education act — the Law on the Promotion of Non-Public Schools — that is being debated by the country’s top legislature this week includes a proposal to limit private schools to kindergartens, grades 10 through 12 and university courses, several sources with knowledge of the matter said. About 10,700 schools would be affected if the amendment is passed, according to the Ministry of Education

#11 Parent Foxy - 2016-11-05
Re It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?

To what end? The closure of thousands of schools, the redundancy of tens of thousands of teachers and employees can only have one effect - the loss of millions of Yuan in tax revenue for the Chinese government.

Given the fact that the Chinese are pretty resourceful, the government would only be driving the whole industry underground.

Over the last few years, China has embraced certain Western values, amongst which is 'capitalism'. There are more dollar billionaires in China than there are in America, despite its huge population. Hiding behind the protection of China's 'cultural values' comes this crazy idea that the West should suddenly be shut-out, and that hundreds of thousands of kids should be deprived of the opportunity to study English.

I don't believe a word of it !

John O' Shei - 2016-11-05
It's now the time for some of you fake teachers to go back home, maybe?


Looks like there's gong to be far less opportunities for the GWs and fake teachers now; this is only one of many recent reports that suggest that in the near future, most foreign teachers are no longer going to be made to feel welcome. It is unclear whether this will only affect private international schools or private training centres that offer after-school classes (where most shitty foreign teachers work), but you can work out what kind of message this is sending out to foreigners in general :D . English lessons are being removed from the curriculum for younger students, they are even considering banning completely foreign curriculums at international schools.

It's about time that such changes were made.

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